Kiwifruit news archive – Page 95

  • Kiwi2006 attracts global audience

    Kiwi2006 attracts global audience


    The 6th International Kiwifruit Symposium will be held in Rotorua, New Zealand from February 21-24, 2006.

  • More woe for NZ growers

    More woe for NZ growers


    Kiwifruit growers in New Zealand are counting the cost after a large number of Zespri Gold failed to ripen for sale in Europe and Japan.

  • Article

    Italians in kiwifruit accord


    Italian kiwifruit-growers have reached an agreement on minimum kiwifruit quality for the new season.

  • Palmer: frosts unlikely to halt apple progress

    NZ growers fighting frost


    Growers in New Zealand are waiting to see the effects of frost that has descended on their orchards, threatening next year’s production.

  • Gold and green balance

    Gold and green balance


    Zespri grower calls for better balance between gold and green fruit.

  • New Zealand needs more treaties

    New Zealand needs more treaties


    New Zealand needs to pursue trade agreements to ensure its exports are not disadvantaged in competition with other senders such as Chile, a new report has found.

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    Clarity needed for SPV replacement


    It is still unclear as to which countries will be asked to report prices for the SPV replacement system, which is due to be

  • Sainsbury's claims a first with UK kiwifruit

    Sainsbury's claims a first with UK kiwifruit


    UK-grown kiwifruit is set to go on sale for the first time next year, Sainsbury’s has claimed.

  • Exchange rate pressure bites

    Exchange rate pressure bites


    Zespri is under pressure this season as the appreciation of the New Zealand dollar takes its toll on grower returns and market pressure builds.

  • The next level of technology

    The next level of technology


    In the last of our profiles on kiwifruit, the Journal takes a look at technological developments in New Zealand, and the investments the industry is making for its future

  • Chile aims for sustainability

    Chile aims for sustainability


    In our fourth profile on kiwifruit, Isabel Quiroz of Decofrut tells Elspeth Waters about Chile’s revival in an increasingly competitive market, looking at varietal development and the organic sector.

  • Jannis Protofanoussis, Packing House Production Manager and George Kallitsis, export manager at Fruits Protofanoussis SA

    Greece aims to reclaim share


    For the third profile on kiwifruit we focus our attention on Greece. Once a fairly major player on the global kiwifruit market, Greece has experienced a slump following a run of dissatisfying seasons. However, with a good year behind it, things are looking up for one exporting company, writes Elspeth Waters.

  • Champions of kiwifruit

    Champions of kiwifruit


    In the second of our kiwifruit profiles, the Journal takes a look at the situation in New Zealand. While Zespri and HortResearch are championing new varieties, and the country looks forward to hosting the next international Kiwi symposium, Redbridge WorldFresh has turned its attention elsewhere this year.

  • Zespri looks at 82m tray crop

    Zespri looks at 82m tray crop


    With the New Zealand kiwifruit harvest safely in, sole exporter Zespri International estimates that volumes are likely to pack out to 82 million class I trays.

  • Is global boom sustainable?

    Is global boom sustainable?


    For the first of our series of profiles on kiwifruit, Isabel Quiroz of International Chilean quality control service provider Decofrut, illustrates the changing shape of the global kiwi supply situation.

  • Article

    NZ drought risk


    New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research has found that climate change is increasing the risk of drought in key growing areas.

  • The China factor

    The China factor


    Consumers are becoming increasingly familiar with Chinese fruit and vegetables and UK companies are keen for larger volumes to enter the mainstream. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

  • International issues

    International issues


    In the last of our series of profiles on the sector, Elspeth Waters investigates some of the issues affecting the global wholesale scene, highlighting some of the specific activities taking place at our neighbouring European markets, as the industry looks to Baltimore for its next global congress.

  • Article

    Feral kiwifruit threat


    Kiwifruit growing wild in New Zealand as a result of birds feeding on reject fruit or it being used as animal feed is now a long-term problem in the country.

  • Biggest ever kiwifruit load leaves Tauranga

    Biggest ever kiwifruit load leaves Tauranga


    New Zealand's kiwifruit industry has loaded its largest ever shipment for the northern European market.