Kiwifruit news archive – Page 101

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    Greek kiwi down by a third


    Adverse weather reduced the Greek kiwifruit harvest in 2001

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    Italian kiwi dip


    Despite an upward trend in plantings, poor weather knocks Italian kiwifruit in 2001/02

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    Poor weather hits French kiwi


    Adverse weather is expected to lead to a marked reduction in French kiwifruit output in 2001/02

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    Zespri celebrates 2001


    New Zealand kiwifruit exporter Zespri International is celebrating one of its best seasons in Europe in 2001.

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    Kiwi co-op link up


    Two of New Zealand's large kiwifruit co-operatives have joined forces.

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    Zespri has record season


    New Zealand kiwifruit marketer says sales have increased by 10 per cent.

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    Kids' diet falls short


    A report from the Cancer Research Campaign and retailer Iceland finds teenagers eat far too little fresh produce.

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    Positive end for Zespri


    Good end of season results and earnings per tray are cheering New Zealand kiwifruit growers.

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    Zespri on the move


    According to NZ press reports, the kiwifruit exporter Zespri will be relocating.

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    French kiwi augers well


    According to one of the largest French kiwifruit producer organisations, the upcoming season promises to be a good one.

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    NZ outlook dull


    A report from the New Zealand farm ministry forecasts a medium- term slump for the country's key fruit exports.

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    Plant waterworks researched


    Research on kiwifruit in New Zealand into how plants respond to drought could prove vital in adapting varieties to changing climates world-wide.

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    First kiwi forecast


    New Zealand kiwifruit exporter Zespri is forecasting per-tray returns to growers slightly below last yearÕs levels for the ongoing 2001-02 season in the face of strong volumes and soft prices.

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    Export high for New Zealand kiwifruit


    Zespri Gold and organic provision have boosted New Zealand kiwifruit exports to new heights

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    Chilean exports increase


    Fresh fruit exports from Chile have increased since last year, Chilean Exporters' Association statistics reveal.

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    New panellist welcomes early kiwi


    Zespri has named a new panellist for the new NZ kiwifruit season.

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    Zespri posts "reasonable" first year


    Zespri has come through its first financial year as a grower-shareholder owned company in "reasonable shape," executive chairman Doug Voss said as he announced the company's results last week.

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    Chinese kiwifruit rescue


    Scientists from New Zealand are helping save the ancestral home of modern kiwifruit near China's Yangtze River.

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    Zespri sets sail


    The first shipment of Zespri kiwifruit is expected in Europe at the week-end.

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    Welcome return of Macfrut


    The 18th Macfrut show, Italy's largest fresh produce exhibition, took place from May 3-6 at Agri Cesena, in Cesena.