All Kenya articles – Page 13

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    Kenya takes its Berlin bow


    Kenya, in the form of the Vegpro group, attended Fruit Logistica for the first time.

  • Kenya benefits from PIP programme

    Kenya benefits from PIP programme


    In the first of a regular series of features on African, Caribbean and Pacific producing nations, the Journal's spotlight falls on Kenya. Horticulture is one of the most vibrant sectors of the Kenyan economy, ranking second behind tea as a generator of foreign exchange. Some 40,000 tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables are exported yearly to the European Union by Kenyan producers and exporters. At the top of the list are green beans ñ one of the most important imported horticultural product to the EU from ACP countries ñ with 22,000t, followed by avocados (12,000t) and mange-tout (4,000t). Kenya is the second biggest producer of green beans in the world and the biggest exporter of mange tout to the EU. The production of fresh veg in Kenya rests mainly in the hands of 4,000 small producers.

  • Erastus Mureithi

    Kenya appeals for lower tariffs


    Kenya's flower industry pleas for lower tariffs.

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    Kenya Flower Day


    Kenya Flower Day (June 17) saw Erastus Mureithi, chairman of the Kenya Flower Council (KFC), announce that 2002 had been a successful year for the Kenyan flower industry but it had not come without its upheavals.

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    Kenyan industry fears trade talks


    Kenyan exporters have appealed to government in the build up to new trade talks.

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    Kenyan flower lift


    The Kenyan floriculture sector has received a boost with the launch of a new fungicide, Flint 50 WG.