All articles by Kathy Miller – Page 33

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    Trade still getting raw deal under CMO


    Fresh produce traders are not benefiting from the CMO introduced in EU member states three years ago.

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    Morocco falls victim to citrus slump


    The disastrous citrus season takes its toll on sendings from Morocco too

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    Citrus harvest recovery


    Figures published for March by US authorities show a citrus crop bouncing back nation-wide.

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    Quality impossible without fair market


    French inter-professional organisation Interfel is calling for a more even playing field so that production of quality and consumer needs may be met in fresh produce supply.

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    Canker crisis worsens


    Four counties in Florida have been declared a disaster area as the citrus canker crisis worsens and quarantine areas are extended.

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    Libya makes pistachio progress


    Experimental plantings have yielded favourable results for Libya's pistachio sector.

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    Tunisia increases citrus output


    Growers in Tunisia have seen citrus production climb on 1998-99 levels.

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    BPC passes first stage of Maff review


    After almost four years of operation the BPC has come through its first major examination: the ministry of agriculture's economic evaluation

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    Summit offers small comfort for horticulture


    There was little that came out of the Downing Street summit between farmers and government last week in the way of promises for horticulture, but UK growers may benefit from an extension in the scheme to boost marketing for farmers in general and agriculture minister Nick Brown (pictured) announced the creation of a centre of excellence for the organics sector in Kent.

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    Apple yields drop


    Chilean apples are showing lower yields than initially forecast by growers with crops in some areas a third down on last season, although overall estimates are for a 15-20 per cent crop reduction.

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    Short but still sweet


    Speciality sweet Vidalia onions from Georgia are expected to be in shorter supply this season.

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    NFU tables contract with society


    The NFU is ready to make commitments to consumers and the environment including helping farmers to respond better to market needs and to encourage more farm-gate retailing.

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    Market mayhem for Spanish citrus


    Citrus markets are in disarray across Europe having an effect on all supply countries, but as the largest citrus source in Europe, the Spanish are particularly hard hit.

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    Tough season for Chile in Europe


    Exports of Chilean fruit to Europe so far this season are down compared with the same period last year, but the UK is managing to outperform its continental neighbours

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    Chile still under port strike threat


    An illegal three-day strike at key Chilean ports came to an end on March 27, but there is talk of further strike action.

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    NZ growers face tough times


    Some New Zealand top fruit growers are calling it a day and selling land for grape-growing instead while the onion and potato sectors face their own struggle.

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    Italy faces up to citrus crisis


    The Italian authorities are putting into action drastic withdrawal measures to try and salvage a disastrous citrus season.

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    World kiwifruit crop drop


    The latest US government figures are forecasting a slight slow-down in world kiwifruit production this season although Italy, Greece and Chile are all bucking the trend.

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    European apple stocks soar


    According to the World Apple Report, European stocks stand 15 per cent higher than this time last year against a backdrop of falling prices across various markets and varieties.

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    Authorities fork out to control increasing canker threat


    State officials from Florida and their federal counterparts could be poised to give up to $110million in aid to the citrus canker eradication effort.