All articles by Kathy Miller – Page 29

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    Early warning on US entry for Argentina's citrus


    Some academics speaking in the Argentinean press, are questioning studies by the USDA which have paved the way for changes in import restrictions which will soon allow the import of citrus from Argentina.

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    Kiwis look into cranberries


    A New Zealand research body is examining the possibility of growing cranberries locally.

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    BPC focuses on storage quality


    The British Potato Council is organising a series of workshops next month looking at improvements growers can make on storage and frying quality.

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    New fresh produce masters


    A new MSc for the fresh produce industry is being launched by one of the UK's leading business schools.

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    Chile enjoys blueberry growth


    Increases in blueberry production and market demand are boosting Chile's sales of the berry in a range of export markets and presenting challenges for the future, according to Chilean magazine Revista del Campo.

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    Lean and mean


    Effective use of capital is key to produce industry growth, says a new report.

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    Red tractors launch new standard


    The National Farmers' Union organised a red tractor parade through central London on Tuesday to mark the launch of the British Farm Standard.

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    VFM International links with


    A business-to-business internet service for the fresh produce industry has linked up with a leading internet-based transport and logistics marketplace.

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    Food-service call unheeded


    The fresh produce sector is passing up opportunities for growth offered by the food-service sector, according to research findings by consultancy Promar International.

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    Argentine citrus gains US market access


    The US Department of Agriculture is partially lifting its ban on imports of Argentinean citrus.

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    Florida looks East


    Florida citrus exporters are brushing up on their knowledge of the Chinese market following the ratification earlier this year of the 1999 agreement to lift the ban on US citrus exports.

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    Cranberry prices on the slide


    Prices for the native North American berry are tumbling in the US as production beats all records and growers face the possibility of market regulation.

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    US imposes restrictions for Chilean regions


    The threat of Mediterranean fruit fly has led to action on the part of US plant health service Aphis.

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    California looks to new grape varieties


    Growers in California are finding that some new cultivars of grape are thriving in the Coachella valley.

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    Germans launch Five-a-day


    Following the example set in the US, the UK and other European countries, Germany has launched its own 5-a-day campaign.

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    TGA queries latest GM research


    Tomato growers in the UK are not convinced by the latest research into health benefits of genetically engineered tomatoes.

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    Tough times for Med fly in Chile


    A Chilean agronomist does not believe the recently discovered pest will find life in Chile sweet.

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    British parents resort to bribery


    Many UK parents admit to bribing their children with desserts, increased pocket money and other treats to get them to eat vegetables, according to a new survey published today.

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    Run-off revises apple estimates down


    Early indications from France are for broadly similar levels of apple production to last year following fruit run-off in late spring.

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    Apples linked to reduced stroke risk


    A new study carried out by Finnish researchers suggests that apple consumption can boost cardiovascular health.