All articles by Kathy Miller – Page 28

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    Bramley smoothies muscle in on Wimbledon


    The tireless Bramley Campaign Group team targeted tennis fans with their latest new recipe last week.

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    LEAFlet profits from Bayer link


    A UK integrated crop management promoter has linked up with Bayer to produce a new information leaflet.

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    SAAGA slows avo sendings


    Oversupply of avocados on the UK market has prompted South African growers to take action.

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    Greenvale AP seals global deal


    One of the UK's leading potato and potato-seed suppliers has signed a new exclusive varietal development agreement.

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    Strawberry picking slows


    In line with reports last week, less fruit is being picked in England this week due to unseasonable weather.

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    Fruit fly demise quickens


    Mediterranean fruit fly discovered in Chile earlier this year could be gone by year end.

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    Chile plans food-safety revision


    Researchers in Chile are studying the development of new, specific food safety regulations for the fruit sector.

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    USApple dates set


    The US Apple Association has announced the speakers line-up for its new season Apple Crop Outlook and Marketing Conference 2000.

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    Strawberries reach early peak


    The effects of a wet May and the heat wave at the beginning of last week are affecting UK strawberry availability at the season's traditional peak.

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    NFU looks into waste rules


    NFU representative Michael Paske (pictured) is talking with government officials on the impact new waste disposal regulations could have on agriculture and horticulture.

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    Florida welcomes rain


    Long-awaited rainfall has finally come to the drought-struck Florida citrus belt.

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    NW cherries get healthy boost


    The north-west US cherry season has been given a boost with the publication in the US of some preliminary research findings on the fruit's health benefits.

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    Chile steps up fly fight


    Agriculture authorities in Chile are increasing manpower in order to prevent the spread of Mediterranean fruit fly into fruit-growing areas.

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    NZ researchers act on sunburn


    Sunburn has affected more than 15 per cent of the crop of some New Zealand apple varieties in recent seasons, but now scientists are HortResearch are looking into protection methods.

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    "Don't knock the multiples"


    A leading salads supplier to the UK multiples has warned his colleagues not to knock supermarkets over pricing policy in the gangmaster and illegal immigrants issues exposed in a BBC TV documentary screened earlier this week.

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    French apricots weather storms


    Last week's storms in stone-fruit growing areas of France have had a localised effect on some producers' crops.

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    Fyffes half-year profits slump


    Europe's largest fresh produce supplier has fallen victim to forex fluctuations and banana oversupply .

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    NZ kiwi faces stiff competition


    A crowded marketplace in Europe has hit the first weeks of the New Zealand kiwifruit season.

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    Industry comes down hard on gangmaster claims


    The fresh produce industry has responded swiftly to the exposure in Monday's BBC television documentary Panorama of corrupt gangmasters and illegal immigrants working in the UK fresh produce industry.

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    Banana women demand change


    The first International Conference of Women in the Banana Industry held in Hanover, Germany last week has called for major change in a crisis-struck industry.