All articles by Kathy Hammond – Page 93

  • Joanna Plumb

    Bedfordshire chilli expansion


    A Bedfordshire chilli grower has won a £1,000 grant from the county’s growth fund to develop her business into a pick-your-own (PYO) vegetable centre.

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    Greenery links with BTGA


    The Greenery UK has joined the British Tomato Growers’ Association (BTGA).

  • Article

    Dole rejects terrorist allegations


    Banana multi-national Dole “categorically rejects” claims it funded Colombian terrorist paramilitaries so it could grow bananas in Colombia.

  • The Grown By Us range

    Co-op Farms posts record profit


    The UK’s largest farming and growing enterprise, The Co-operative Farms, has announced record profits for the year to January 2009.

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    Anecoop in persimmon push


    Leading Spanish fresh produce exporter Anecoop has unveiled a new business group specifically for the marketing of persimmon.

  • Production is back on track

    Rains rescue Kenyan veg


    Much-needed rainfall is coming to key production areas in Kenya, helping to get production back on track in a trouble-struck season.

  • Sizergh Castle orchard in cumbria Photo courtesy of NTPL/Val Corbett

    National Trust in orchard revival plan


    A new project launched last Friday aims to halt the loss of traditional orchards across England and help revive their fortunes.

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    Tesco in pollster firing line


    Respondents in this week’s freshinfo poll believe there is little chance of Tesco falling from its top spot as the UK’s number-one supermarket any time soon.

  • Armagh growers allay PGI fears

    Armagh growers allay PGI fears


    The Fruit Industry Federation in Northern Ireland has moved to calm fears among the English top-fruit sector that it is trying to divide UK Bramley growers by applying for protected geographical indicator (PGI) status for Armagh Bramley apples.

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    FPC calls for WRAP input


    The Fresh Produce Consortium is inviting its membership to get involved in the government’s Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) project being led by Cranfield University, which is developing detailed resource maps to quantify food waste and packaging waste through the fresh fruit and vegetable retail and wholesale supply chain.

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    Campden BRI targets convenience market


    Campden BRI is organising a conference and exhibition around innovation in convenience foods and new developments in packaging and micro-waving.

  • AgriSense has developed a Mediterranean fruit fly attractant for use in citrus orchards

    AgriSense scores Queen's Award triple


    AgriSense-BCS is celebrating winning the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the international trade category for the third time in its history.

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    ALP looks to Europe over workers' scheme


    The Association of Labour Providers (ALP) has asked the European Commission to commence infraction proceedings against the British government following its decision to extend the accession states' Workers Registration Scheme (WRS) for a further two years.

  • Almería lettuce in over-supply

    Almería lettuce in over-supply


    While lettuce crops in Murcia suffered severe hail damage two weeks ago seriously disrupting availability, growers in Almería are now leaving their product in the fields due to excess volumes.

  • Article

    Co-op signs to energy scheme


    The Co-operative Group has signed up to a massive energy-saving project.

  • Giant blueberries invade Tesco

    Giant blueberries invade Tesco


    Blueberries twice the size of regular ones have gone on sale across the UK this week.

  • Kiwis issue pricing warning

    Kiwis issue pricing warning


    New Zealand apple industry leaders are warning their growers not to weaken on price this season, especially on Braeburn.

  • South African schoolchildren receive a School-Aid shipment from Capespan and partners

    Capespan expanding School-Aid deal


    Capespan, Tilbury Container Services, Maersk Line, Harwood Shipping and Simpson Transport have joined together to support charity School-Aid and supply equipment and educational materials to South African schools.

  • Edward Palmer

    Tesco takes Nurture to consumers


    After a month of in-store promotions and on-pack sticker display, Tesco has officially unveiled its new look for fruit and vegetable farm accreditation scheme Nature’s Choice as the consumer-facing brand Nurture.

  • Jenney: concerned

    FPC makes DEFRA demands


    The Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC) is calling on government for compensation for the trade for losses incurred due to failures of the national PEACH system for imports.