All articles by Kathy Hammond – Page 62

  • Spanish salad supply hiatus brings pressure

    Spanish salad supply hiatus brings pressure


    Supplies across a range of salad lines are being affected by a hiatus in availability from Spain.

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    Morpholine deadline looms


    The Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC) is reminding importers that there is to be no further extension of the period of tolerance for morpholine on fruit.

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    Lords committee hears innovation plea


    The House of Lords Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries & Environment was taking oral evidence on Wednesday from the Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board as part of its inquiry into innovation in EU agriculture.

  • NZ kiwifruit under disease siege

    NZ kiwifruit under disease siege


    New Zealand plant health authorities have confirmed the presence of kiwifruit vine disease Pseudomonas syringae pv actinidiae (PSA) in three Bay of Plenty orchards.

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    Guatemala invests in lime project


    Guatemalan exporters’ association Agexport is working on a project to develop the country’s lime sendings beyond the traditional domestic market and the US.

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    Frozen food offers green opportunities


    Frozen produce provides a significant sustainability and social responsibility opportunity, according to a major new frozen food report.

  • Direct contact bears fruit for OFD

    Direct contact bears fruit for OFD


    Orchard Fruits Direct (OFD) ran a whole day of tasting activity at Co-operative stores in Cranbrook and Walderslade in Kent last week to promote UK top fruit.

  • Halloween price horror

    Halloween price horror


    The market could find itself short of pumpkins in the next two years if retailers don’t increase prices paid to growers.

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    Hurricane wipes out WI bananas


    Banana production in St Lucia and St Vincent has been completely destroyed by Hurricane Tomas, which swept the islands at the weekend.

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    Organic sales bounce back


    Sales of organic food and drink through supermarkets reached £82 million during September, an increase of 15.5 per cent on the previous four-weeks, data from Kantar Worldpanel shows.

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    More gangmaster arrests as spring onion prices spiral


    West Midlands police arrested three men on 22 October for the unlicensed supply of labour to work in several agricultural tasks including harvesting spring onions.

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    Zespri forceasts increased returns


    New Zealand kiwifruit marketer Zespri is forecasting increased returns to growers this season of 10.5 per cent on green fruit and 12.8 per cent on gold.

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    Epitrix beetle threatens


    The Food & Environment Research Agency (FERA) is consulting with the potato sector on proposals to introduce emergency measures against the flea beetle Epitrix.

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    Zim leaders counter sector confusion


    Zimbabwe’s Horticultural Promotion Council (HPC) has moved to counter confusion in the sector over a wage dispute that is still in court.

  • Romanian adults and children working in Worcestershire for an unlicensed gangmaster last week

    Foodservice next under GLA crackdown


    The Gangmasters Licensing Authority (GLA) will turn its attention to stamping out abuses in the foodservice sector and non-supermarket trade in 2011, freshinfo can reveal.

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    European morpholine reprieve draws closer


    The Fresh Produce Consortium has welcomed a statement from the European Commission that it is looking into a reprieve for some uses of morpholine in wax used on fruit.

  • Chantenay: has worked against the flow for Freshgro

    Freshgro slices through debts


    Producer organisation and vegetable-growing co-operative Fresh Growers Ltd (Freshgro) has reduced net debt and will be launching new products in 2011, despite a slight fall in turnover.

  • Brian Porter

    Fresh Service seals Kent deal


    Kent-based fresh-produce distribution and logistics firm Fresh Service has acquired the Paddock Wood and Sheerness operations of RW Simpson with effect from October 23.

  • Haygrove is a soft-fruit and polytunnel specialist

    Haygrove profit margin rises


    Soft-fruit grower and polytunnel specialist Haygrove Ltd has increased its group’s gross profit margin from 26 per cent to 35 per cent.

  • Sportacus

    Sportacus makes a date with ministers


    The star of hit kids TV show Lazy Town is to travel to London in the next fortnight to discuss the childhood obesity problem with ministers, freshinfo has learnt.