All articles by Kathy Hammond – Page 258

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    Asda backs British


    UK supermarket Asda is backing UK top fruit this autumn to celebrate the country's best harvest for many years.

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    Enza unconditional


    New Zealand top fruit exporter Enza makes its compromise on foreign exchange payouts to growers unconditional.

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    Graduate development


    Beer and curry and a specially devised recruitment programme from Merston Peters help fresh and prepared vegetable supplier Fenmarc solve its graduate recruitment needs.

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    Farmers celebrate markets


    The UK embraces farmers' markets during September as part of NAFM's promotion.

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    Apple purchase boost


    Producers of apples in the US are set to reap the rewards of a further federal government boost to their season.

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    Priory businesses sold


    G's Marketing and Knights of Norfolk have bought separate parts of the business of Priory Produce.

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    Pilot rescue for small business


    The head of the department of trade and industry's small business service has launched a new scheme to give struggling small businesses a second chance.

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    Strawberry slowdown


    Cool, damp weather is affecting availability of UK fruit at the tail end of the season.

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    Young fruit growers seek sponsors


    The popular Under 40s conference for young fruit growers in the UK is already on the look out for backing for its next event.

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    Sparks fly at Tinsley


    Tinsley Foods chairman Henry Tinsley has hit out at M&S after seeing his company close.

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    Macleod McCombe closes


    One of the produce trade's best-known names has ceased trading after 38 years.

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    Rogue charged


    A rogue trader who operated out of Covent Garden market has admitted to stealing £30,000 worth of stock from bone fide stallholders.

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    Cameo on show


    UK growers of Cameo apples will be opening their orchards to interested parties on October 10.

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    English apple season opens


    English Apples & Pears launched the new season at Kensington Palace's Orangery on September 19 with growers, marketeers, wholesalers and retailers on the guest list.

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    Price hike fears for air freight


    Changes to international flight practice may hit produce exports, especially those from the US.

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    Agrexco takes stock


    Israeli exporter Carmel Agrexco has announced investment in a new operational system at source.

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    Purple variety proves organic promise


    The discovery of a purple-skinned potato from Hungary could revolutionise organic production in the UK.

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    Scifresh stays with Enza


    Despite looming deregulation, NZ top fruit exporter Enza is holding on to new cultivar Scifresh.

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    Tesco cuts fail to bite


    The UK's largest supermarket has launched a series of price cuts with little effect on its produce aisles.

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    Reefer revolution


    LauritzenCool has found a new air-circulation system could spell the end of gratings on board reefer vessels.