All articles by Kathy Hammond – Page 253

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    Eurep eyes Checkmate


    Checkmate International (CMi) has received an extension of scope for the Eurep-Gap standard.

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    Bright message from Chile


    Chile appeals for support from investors interested in supporting its organic produce. from the nation at a special press conference on November 6.

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    Tesco bangs organic drum


    Tesco has announced plans to increase its sales of organic food to £1 billion by 2006.

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    BPC pat on the back


    The British Potato Council is congratulating itself on the success of its latest maincrop consumer campaign.

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    Canaries back on song


    The first consignments of this season's Canary Islands' tomato crop arrive at UK ports.

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    Europe leads organic field


    Research and marketing consultancy Organic Monitor is predicting growth of 23 per cent this year in the global market for organic foods with Europe being the fastest growing market.

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    Cuba counts cost


    The effects of hurricane Michelle on Cuban crops are unclear as continuing rain prevents entry to plantations.

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    Kids' diet falls short


    A report from the Cancer Research Campaign and retailer Iceland finds teenagers eat far too little fresh produce.

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    Bananas picking up?


    Production of bananas in Honduras was all set to recover following 1998's hurricane, until another one struck the country this week.

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    Hope for Florida's citrus


    Battling against tough times, the Florida citrus industry has at least two reasons for optimism in the long term.

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    Apple genes mapped out


    Researchers in New Zealand have found a way of protecting apple variety rights through gene mapping.

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    Nuts in October?


    Many horticulture bosses believe profits could surge for growers who have the foresight to switch crops to reflect milder UK autumns.

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    Tinsley facility sold


    The Lincolnshire premises of Tinsley Foods are snapped up by a near- neighbour in the prepared produce sector.

  • Cooking up coverage

    Cooking up coverage


    Taking part in Bramley Apple Pie Week are: Roger Merryweather great grandson of Henry Merryweather responsible for cultivating Bramley commercially, Helen Crowder and Margaret Foss of the Nottinghamshire Federation of Women's Institutes, Frances Warner of the Bramley Apple Campaign, Joanna Parlby of Newark Advertiser and Angela Merryweather Bramley expert.

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    Western's Caribbean carnival


    Tenants of Western International Market traded pallets and produce for maracas and the Macarena at the weekend, when the wholesale market held its annual dinner and dance.

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    Bonnie Clyde


    A UK company has developed a software system to reduce administration costs and increase efficiency in fresh produce packhouses.

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    Too warm for Spain


    Unseasonably warm temperatures throughout October are depressing the start of the Spanish citrus season throughout Europe.

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    Positive end for Zespri


    Good end of season results and earnings per tray are cheering New Zealand kiwifruit growers.

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    Honduras braves floods


    Rainfall and flooding on a scale not seen since Hurricane Mitch hit the Central American country three years ago are sweeping Honduras.

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    Berries get better


    Improving production techniques in sources such as Israel and Egypt are starting to be felt in strawberry supply to the UK.