All articles by Kathy Hammond – Page 221

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    Lingarden runners in bloom


    Employees at flower company Lingarden have been raising money for cancer patients by taking part in the Flora Light Women's Challenge.

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    5-a-day logo on course


    The new 5-a-day logo, commissioned by the department of health (DoH), is due to be launched in late November, true to the promise of previous minister Yvette Cooper at the NFU/FPC conference earlier this year.

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    Enza pays out


    New Zealand top-fruit exporter Enza has announced final 2002 payment to growers of an average NZ$24.00 (£7.39) per tray carton equivalent (TCE) on a low sales volume of 8million TCE.

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    Island Blue afloat


    New Zealand research establishment HortResearch has released a new commercial blueberry variety jointly with Blueberries New Zealand.

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    SA grape volumes swell


    The South African grape season is just starting with talk of volumes rising to as many as 13 million cartons.

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    Magrabi deepens UK commitment


    Egyptian fresh-produce supplier Magrabi Agriculture is strengthening its commitment to the UK market having been certified compliant to BRC standard issue 3 this autumn.

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    Sprouts prepare to celebrate


    The British Sprout Growers Association is gearing up for the start of the first sprout festival next week and enjoying some of the best quality product of recent seasons.

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    CCZ continues in controversy


    The controversial congestion charging zone (CCZ) in central London was the subject of surveys at Covent Garden and Smithfields markets this week as opposition to the charge continues.

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    Stores chase convenience market


    This week has seen two major acquisitions in the convenience store sector by Tesco and the Co-op.

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    Brighten ideas on marketing


    The leading UK fresh produce players must continue to strive for imaginative and clever marketing of their products and look for meaningful relationships with their customer base, Fresh Produce Consortium president Richard Brighten told delegates at a recent meeting of the food, drink & agricultural group of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

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    Tesco top 10


    Ten Tesco customers and their partners will soon be jetting off to exotic destinations, thanks to the supermarket's recent banana bonanza.

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    Dole negotiations continue


    US fresh produce giant Dole Food Company Inc's special committee has said it will not agree to acquisition by its company chairman at $29.50 a share.

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    Strawberry acreage down


    Area under strawberry production in Huelva, Spain is down this year.

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    Kiwifruit losses estimated


    Press reports in New Zealand estimate kiwifruit growers' losses in the eastern Bay of Plenty area at NZ$5million following the latest spring frosts.

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    Farming & Food group takes shape


    A nine-strong body to oversee changes to the farming and food sectors is taking shape as part of new UK government strategies.

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    Livingstone surprise


    In a surprise admission, London's mayor Ken Livingstone has said he would have "quite happily excluded" commercial vehicles from the inner London congestion charge to be brought in next year which has been much maligned by London's wholesale markets.

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    Retailers issue wage warning


    The British Retail Consortium has warned that the number of new jobs created by the sector would dry up if the next rise in the national minimum wage is too high.

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    Spain gets Jaffa'd


    Following a highly successful three-month period of bringing Jaffa-branded citrus from South Africa into the UK, MTEX UK has been given license to add the produce industry's most recognised marque to Spanish oranges.

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    Dutch make Conference call


    Dutch pear growers are being wooed by The Greenery to plant more Conference orchards because it is convinced the UK represents a growth market.

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    M&S on right tracks


    Following the success of its eight food-only stores, Marks & Spencer is opening up to 40 more of the specialist shops at railway stations.