All articles by Kathy Hammond – Page 219

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    Dixon docked for pesticide abuse


    Defra is stepping up its campaign to crack down on illegal pesticide residues in winter lettuce this season as one grower is convicted for use of dimethoate as a result of the 2001-02 monitoring programme.

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    Olins to head NSF


    Laurence Olins, managing director of the Poupart Group and a former master of the Worshipful Company of Fruiterers has taken over the chairmanship of National Summer Fruits.

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    Cucumber competition from the east


    UK cucumber growers may soon find that their stiffest competition comes from eastern Europe.

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    French strike disruption


    Blockades are in place on roads around France as hauliers protest about salary, bonus and retirement issues.

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    Lettuce growers condemn supermarkets


    Spanish lettuce growers are grouping together to denounce Europe-wide supermarket pricing policies as many producers face returns well below the cost of production in a season aggravated by weather-induced overproduction.

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    Tristeza virus threatens Florida


    Tristeza which affects citrus production could reduce production of grapefruit in Florida by 14million boxes a year over the next decade, according to the Florida press.

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    NZ frost damage estimated


    According to Jonathan Wiltshire, chairman of the NZ Fruitgrowers' Association pipfruit sector, at least 30 per cent of the Hawkes' Bay Braeburn crop has been struck off trees in the areas by three spring frosts.

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    Andalusian citrus value soars


    According to information just released by the agriculture office of the Andalusia regional executive, citrus production in the southern Spanish region has tripled in value over the last three years.

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    Salads for unity


    The British Leafy Salads Association has added its voice to the call for horticultural organisations to get together and provide their own public relations platform.

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    Own labels stifle image


    Efforts by the UK lettuce industry to develop a stronger image at retail level face immediate problems – simply because the majority of products are packed under supermarkets' own labels, said Graham Ward, managing director of Snaith Salads, in a pr overview at last week's British Leafy Salads Association conference.

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    Pesticides are good for you


    The virtually continuous outcry from the environmental lobby is that pesticide residues on fresh produce should be eliminated altogether, but at least one speaker at last week's British Leafy Salads Growers conference holds another view.

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    Spielrein says diversify or die


    "Catering is the main trend the markets have to cope with in the future. That is obvious," said Marc Spielrein, president of the World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM).

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    Italy expects high volume kiwi crop


    Italian kiwifruit volumes are forecast to reach 394,000 tonnes this season, 20 per cent up on last.

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    Safeway code


    Safeway has colour-coded its own-label bagged salad range into three separate taste categories,

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    BSPB and NFU spark seed row


    The National Farmers' Union is demanding that potato breeders explain their reasoning for a huge increase in farm-saved seed royalties this year, which in some cases represents a 50 per cent hike.

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    Primuslabs prepared for assurance unity

    2002-11-22T00:00:00Z, the US-based global food safety solutions group, told freshinfo it is ideally placed to provide a harmonised audit platform for assurance schemes, though it doubted that this would be possible in the near future.

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    US salad market adjusts


    Changing tastes in the US are continuing to alter radically the shape of the market, according to David Griffin, the sixth largest grower in the US with 700 hectares.

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    Redeva results surprise


    The success so far of seed-breeding subsidiary Redeva is delighting and amazing Redbridge.

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    Hydroponics forge ahead


    Hydroponic equipment wholesaler Hydrogarden is forecasting increased interest in hydroponic systems as debates over pesticides residues on fresh produce continue and producers seek to supply crops using a minimum of inputs.

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    Hail strikes NZ apples


    Apple orchards on New Zealand's South Island have been hit by hail over the past week.