All articles by Kathy Hammond – Page 207

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    Carrot season challenge


    The French carrot season is likely to be off to a difficult start with a plentiful supply of old season Scottish product still on the market.

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    Potential blight outbreak strikes


    A suspected case of potato blight in Norfolk has put the county's potato crops in immediate danger of attack from the devastating disease, warns the British Potato Council.

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    Spanish growers speak out


    Spain's horticulture sector has joined together to speak out against the latest proposals from the European Commission and European Parliament for reform of the common agricultural policy.

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    Spanish co-ops join forces


    Two of the best known winter vegetables and salads suppliers have teamed up.

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    Workers buy Chiquita plant


    Chiquita Brands International has announced the sale of some of its Panama assets to a workers' co-operative.

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    French apple fears abate


    The French national apple section has said the effects of a late spring frost and cold temperatures before Easter on the apple crop are not as grim as earlier reported.

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    Strawberries struggle


    Spain's strawberries hit another glitch as their troubled season winds down.

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    Gras still growing


    UK asparagus growers speak out against reports of an early harvest for their crop.

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    Mexican grape gears up


    The Mexican grape season looks set to start a few days earlier than usual in the first few days of next month.

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    New broom sweeps in


    Juan Vicente Safont Ballester takes the helm at Anecoop.

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    Bonnysa expands


    A new facility is opened by one of Spain's leading fresh produce exporters.

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    Promotional conundrum


    Levy-supported programmes are being called into question following the demise of the Washington Apple Commission and with legal battles facing growers in Florida and California.

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    NABMA vindicated


    The National Association of British Market Authorities (NABMA) is celebrating an important high court ruling announced last week.

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    Stone fruit steels itself


    Unseasonable weather in Europe is making its effects felt on stone-fruit crops in key growing regions.

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    Somerfield bidder revealed


    Supermarket chain Somerfield is the subject of a reported £500million takeover bid.

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    Somerfield in offer revelation


    UK supermarket chain Somerfield announced today that it received a proposal relating to an offer for the store.

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    Safeway resilient in Q4


    UK supermarket chain and take-over target Safeway has announced a "resilient" trading performance in the fourth quarter ended March 29.

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    Syngenta unveils veg-site


    Syngenta Seeds has launched a new vegetable website.

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    Pear producers get guidance


    A new HRI guide tailored to the UK pear industry is being distributed to growers and advisers this month.

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    WAC winds down


    After 66 years the Washington Apple Commission (WAC) is winding down.