All articles by Kathy Hammond – Page 168

  • Asda moving into Northern Ireland

    Asda moving into Northern Ireland


    Asda is set to move into the Ulster market following agreement with Morrison’s to purchase Safeway stores.

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    Fiver Day: cheap way to 5-A-Day


    Cancer Research UK chose May 5 (5/5/05) to launch its Fiver Day campaign to show how a family of five can all eat five portions of fruit and vegetables each a day for just £5.

  • Stuart Smith

    Foodservice becomes more accessible


    Brakes commercial manager Stuart Smith tells Re:fresh delegates the emergence of national operators is making foodservice more accesible to produce suppliers.

  • Broccoli frost fear

    Broccoli frost fear


    The UK broccoli season is due to start on time this year despite late plantings, but frost forecasts this week are cause for concern.

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    Hail pain for Valencia


    Hail fell across two municipalities in the region of Valencia last week affecting stone fruit.

  • Peter Durose

    Multiples raise c-store standards


    The entry of the multiples into the convenience-store sector has raised the standards in fresh produce for everyone, while Tesco learns convenience is a one-chance market.

  • ColeACP's Guichard: driving force

    Ethylene taken to task


    The Europe-wide Ethylene Task Force (ETF) was set up this week under the direction of the EU-African-Caribbean-Pacific Liaison Committee (ColeACP) and European trade body Freshfel.

  • Steve Ridge

    Ridge poses challenge


    There is no other sector in own-label with as much going for it as fresh produce, Somerfield technical solutions director Steve Ridge told delegates at Re:fresh.

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    Celery supplies run short


    Availability of celery is tight as the trade looks forward to the start of the UK season.

  • Chiquita returns to form

    Chiquita returns to form


    Beleaguered multi-national Chiquita has found a return to form with its best first-quarter results in 10 years.

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    Demand up for citrus plants in Israel


    Increasing demand for citrus in Europe and good levels of profitability for growers mean that there is a run on citrus seedlings to grow new plants in Israel.

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    Stone fruit running late


    The peach and nectarine seasons are running some two weeks behind schedule this year across Europe, according to figures from Europech.

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    Tesco on stream with new spuds


    New season potatoes from Cornwall and Pembrokeshire arrived in Tesco stores this week as part of the market leader’s local branding initiative.

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    Israel in stone fruit bonanza


    Israel will focus export attention on a new destination for its peaches and nectarines this season.

  • Stanford study extols fresh produce

    Stanford study extols fresh produce


    A low-fat diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans has twice the cholesterol-lowering power of a conventional low-fat diet, according to a new study from the Stanford University School of Medicine.

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    Red tape is producers' main concern


    The rural sector does not find much to choose from among the main political parties as the general election looms, but bureaucracy must be cut by whoever wins, says the NFU.

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    Kiwifruit under pressure


    A late start to the season is already putting pressure on New Zealand kiwifruit marketer Zespri.

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    San Miguel secures IFC loan


    Leading Argentinean citrus exporter San Miguel is signing a deal for a $20 million loan over a 10-year term.

  • Tomatoes tighten up

    Tomatoes tighten up


    Supplies of tomatoes are attracting keener prices on the UK market at the seasons' switch-over.

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    Morrisons moves Dutch operation


    Morrisons wholly owned Dutch pre-packer subsidiary Bos Brothers is on the move.