All articles by Kathy Hammond – Page 154
Soil Association's treble top
Organic lobby and certification group the Soil Association is celebrating a hat trick of awards this past week.
Early start for NZ kiwifruit
New Zealand kiwifruit is set to begin next week, ahead of last season’s start, while volumes are forecast to be slightly below 2005 levels.
HortResearch in fresh breakthrough
A breakthrough in apple gene sequencing at HortResearch revealed this week has the capacity to revolutionise the apple industry.
NMW increase adds pressure to costs
Further costs are heaped on the industry with this week’s announcement from the department of trade and industry of a six per cent hike in the minimum wage in October.
Leafy salads in new campaign
The British Leafy Salads Association is building on the success of last year’s bagged salad PR campaign with a 5 A DAY promotional boost.
Cameo in global link-up
Cameo apple stakeholders have got together to form a world-wide group.
Sunkist in Taylor link-up
Two leading lights in the US fresh produce industry are joining forces to expand their presence in the fresh-cut fruit segment.
Banana price war returns
Downward price pressure continues with mushrooms and bananas in the frame this time.
Citrus left on Almeria trees
Grower groups in Almería in south-eastern Spain are warning that citrus producers are suffering from a weak market and are leaving tonnes of fruit on trees.
Panama government in banana rescue
The Panamanian Cabinet is subsidising the Coosemupar banana co-operative so that it can meet its fortnightly wages bill.
BHTA throws open its doors
The British Herb Trade Association (BHTA) is inviting membership from other sectors
Sainsbury's in organic top spot
Sainsbury’s has regained the lead as the UK’s number one supermarket for organics.
Approval for EU export promotion
The European Commission has approved measures to promote French and Italian fresh produce in third countries.
Waitrose reveals rainbow breakthrough
Waitrose has given the government's 5 A DAY campaign a boost with the provision of a pocket-sized leaflet under the banner Eat a Rainbow.
Hort report issues UK stark warning
Small-scale growers in the UK must access niche market opportunities or continue to consolidate if they are to survive, a new report has shown.
Esther Gómez honoured
Esther Gómez, director of the Murcian company Frutas Esther, has won the Female Entrepreneur of 2006 award from the Spanish Federation of Rural Women, Femur.
Cranberries lead new produce trend
The fortification of organic cranberries with Omega-3 oil is the beginning of a trend that the fresh produce industry must heed.
SAWS gets four more years
The seasonal agricultural workers scheme gets a four-year repreive.
South African citrus sets sail
The first volumes of Outspan easy-peel are on the water as South Africa contends with a mix of weather conditions at the season's outset.
Apple pressure to remain
The European apple market is likely to remain under pressure well into the southern hemisphere season, warns Freshfel.