All articles by Kathy Hammond – Page 109

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    Seatrade increases reefer investment


    The Seatrade shipping group has announced more new buildings of reefer vessels.

  • Tesco lifts banana price

    Tesco lifts banana price


    Tesco increased the retail price of its bananas this week to 77p a kilo on loose fruit - 10p higher than Sainsbury’s, Morrisons or Asda.

  • The revolutionary V-channel carton

    Capespan in V-channel victory


    Capespan’s use of V-channel technology in its grape cartons has spiraled this season.

  • Vitacress sale announced

    Vitacress sale announced


    Portuguese company RAR Group has bought up the speciality leafy salad supplier Vitacress and its wholesale market business Vitacress Sales.

  • Peter Luff MP

    SAWS campaign gathers pace


    The campaign to end the phase-out of the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme has gathering pace as a Vale of Evesham MP takes the cause directly to the Home Secretary.

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    Consolidation woes aired


    Following last week’s warning from Grant Thornton and Barclays Commerical of massive consolidation pressure in the supply chain, Plimsoll Publishing’s financial health check shows a growing number of firms in the danger list.

  • Patrick Holden

    Political pressure brought to bear on GM debate


    Europe could soon be ready for genetic modification of its food crops as ministers and the food and farming industry began looking to the technology as an answer to problems of food supply.

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    Zimbabwe exports lifeline


    Exports of fresh produce to the UK are proving a lifeline to the families of Zimbabwean horticulture and packhouse workers who would otherwise face starvation.

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    Spanish counting strike costs


    Two weeks on from the Spanish transport strike and growers and exporters are still counting the cost to their business.

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    Schools need a food culture


    The Food for Life Partnership (FLP) and Local Authority Caterers Association (LACA) is calling on the government to adopt their six steps to transform the school food culture.

  • River barge transport

    Capespan in canal move


    Capespan has announced a new project to quantify its use of resources, which it hopes will lead to energy reduction target-setting and has already seen it use river transport as a freight solution.

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    Citrus man honoured


    Jim Snively, vice president of grove operations at Southern Gardens in Trenton has been honoured by Florida Grower magazine as the Citrus Achievement Award winner for 2008.

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    Pesticides issues divides pollsters


    A lack of clarity about pesticide use and GMOs in Europe is storing up global problems, according to one of the pollsters in a lively debate on freshinfo this week with respondents split right down the middle.

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    Crunch highlights supply chain


    The credit crunch is enhancing the importance of supply chain for retailers, according to Asda’s distribution director Ian Stansfield.

  • Clive Baxter

    Levy hike annoys growers


    Growers are expressing their discontent with the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), which only came into being on April 1.

  • Compost woe threatens mushrooms

    Compost woe threatens mushrooms


    UK mushroom supplies are tight and prices are rising, as the industry’s largest compost supplier battles against disease.

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    UK sector needs more robots


    The UK food and drink sector needs to look to robotics to protect its future.

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    Greengrocer cull quantified


    Research carried out by The Daily Telegraph claims to have discovered that almost 3,000 greengrocers have been lost to UK streets over the past 10 years.

  • Trucks jockey for position as strike intensifies

    Spanish strike hits supply


    Striking Spanish hauliers are disrupting exports of fresh produce and availability of some products in the UK will soon be affected, importers told freshinfo.

  • Sweetie sender eyes up Europe

    Sweetie sender eyes up Europe


    Australian exporter Ironbark Citrus & Grapes is expanding its portfolio of destinations for grapefruit-pomelo cross Sweetie, beyond the traditional Asian markets into Europe.