All articles by Kathy Hammond – Page 108
Tanzania flights edge closer
Direct flights of fresh produce, flowers and cuttings from the main growing areas of Tanzania moved a step closer this week, as members of the Tanzania Horticultural Association (Taha) reached a new agreement on the Tanzania Airfreight Project.
Lérida rain means more stonefruit woe
Rain in the Lérida region of north-eastern Spain last week is creating further difficulties for an already tough stonefruit season in Europe.
Hull traders tweak market plans
Regeneration company Hull Forward has announced the new wholesale fruit and vegetable market for Hull at Priory Park could be open for business as soon as next year.
Produce bucks price trend
Supermarkets are using fresh produce price fluctuations strategically to incentivise increasingly disloyal shoppers, despite a background of rising costs and prices of other core items.
Eastward exodus affects trade
Grant Thornton’s head of food mergers and acquisitions, Phil Jackson has warned that, as well as massive consolidation pressure that could lead to job losses, there is a further workplace dynamic at play in the fresh produce arena.
New vessel for African trade
Compagnie Fruitiere's Africa Express Line (AEL) inaugurated a new vessel last month increasing its fleet to eight
FFB rescue petition launched
Directors from all the international offices of Food From Britain worldwide have signed up in an appeal to Defra to safeguard the future of FFB’s promotional work “Save FFB”.
Costa Ricans look to UK
Representatives from Costa Rica were out in force in Europe this week within the framework of the fourth round of negotiations of the Association Agreement between Central America and the European Union.
Fresh-cut sector gets ultrasound hope
US scientists at the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the US department of agriculture in Maryland have found that combining ultrasound with wash-solutions can enhance the safety of leafy green vegetables and salads.
Canadian clue to apple disease
Researchers at Canada’s University of British Columbia and Agriculture Canada’s agri-food station in Summerland, British Columbia are developing a DNA-based method to control fungal decay in apples in storage.
Hopes running high in Glasgow
One month into the new management structure at Glasgow market and tenants are looking forward to seeing the fruit of a promised £5 million investment package.
Spanish exports endure mixed bag
Spanish producer-exporters’ federation Fepex has reported mixed results for fresh produce export values in the first four months of 2008 in what is proving a very challenging year for the sector.
Wibdeco branching out
Windward Islands banana exporter Wibdeco is branching out into other produce lines and sources.
Retailers defended on waste charge
The British Retail Consortium has defended the supermarkets against criticism from food campaigners that they encourage food waste.
Employers warned on agency staff
Fresh produce businesses need to review their use of and arrangements with agency workers, following an EU deal to give agency workers new rights.
FPC reveals consumption data
As the European Commission revealed its proposal on Tuesday to fund school fruit and vegetable schemes around the EU, the Fresh Produce Consortium is calling on the government to take advantage of any funding on offer.
EU-wide school scheme on the table
The European Commission has today proposed a European Union-wide scheme to provide free fruit and vegetables to school children.
Argentinean lemons spiral
Argentinean lemon exports are spiralling upward this season despite a reduced crop.
Farmers' market fillip for wholesalers
As some consumers complain that farmers’ markets do not source locally enough, alternative independent retail outlets such as the markets and farm shops are giving the UK wholesale trade an unexpected boost especially as consumers feel the credit crunch.
Bing beats records
The California Cherry Advisory Board (CCAB) has announced record-breaking global sales of Bing cherries this season.