All articles by Kathy Hammond – Page 102

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    EFSA points to lower MRLs


    The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is recommending lower maximum residue levels (MRLs) for several active substances used in pesticides.

  • Block competition winner Jan du Plessis (left) with Namibian minister of youth, sport and culture Reverend Willem Kanjore next to him, production manager Sagaria Amulungu and Karasburg councillor Paulus Ephraim.

    Special packs for winning Namibian fruit


    Capespan will be promoting prize-winning Namibian grapes in special packaging this season.

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    WRAP announces fresh produce tender


    The government’s Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) is inviting firms to tender for a research project to develop resource maps for fresh fruit and vegetables through the retail supply chain.

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    Chilean fruit sendings forecast rise


    Production of apples, pears and grapes from Chile are all forecast to rise in the 2008-09 crop year.

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    Lingarden Flowers facing closure


    Flamingo Flowers is in consultation to close its Lingarden Flowers operation at one of its Spalding sites.

  • The first arrivals at Sheerness

    Capespan welcomes first South African grape


    Capespan’s first South African grape of the new season arrived this week.

  • Dyer: leading the lobby

    CPA leads last-minute lobby


    The agro-chemical and fresh produce trades have raised their game to new heights as they strengthen calls for last-minute intervention in new EU pesticide regulations.

  • Finding the right quality on Golden Delicious this season has been tough, say insiders

    French apple challenge


    French apple senders are biding their time faced with a very challenging UK market scene.

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    Tough times for grape senders


    The biggest test for the 2008-09 South African grape season will be achieving strong producer earnings, leading exporter Capespan has claimed.

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    Frozen growth complements fresh


    A burgeoning global market for frozen fruit and vegetables is not a threat to the fresh market, UK traders believe.

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    Citrus theft plagues Spanish growers


    Four growers in the Villareal area of Valencia in eastern Spain have had about 27 tonnes of citrus stolen from their trees.

  • Gaston Opdekamp

    Hoogstraten celebration


    Renowned Belgian auction Hoogstraten is celebrating its 75th anniversary with a festive end to the year this weekend.

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    Washington set for apple record


    With the harvest now in, apple crop estimates in Washington state have been revised upwards to record-breaking levels.

  • FPC delegation visits Liverpool Produce Terminal

    Liverpool terminal welcomes visitors


    Leading fresh produce importers and wholesalers visited the Port of Liverpool to view the facilities of the Liverpool Produce Terminal recently ahead of its first shipment due later this month.

  • Tesco has hit back at some of its critics this week

    Tesco counters suppliers' claims


    Growers’ and suppliers’ claims of “bully-boy” tactics by the supermarkets have been strongly refuted as the multiples came in for more criticism amid rising food prices.

  • WPE South Africa's team in action

    Well Pict reaps exchange rewards


    As the new season gets underway, Well Pict European (WPE) South Africa’s berry campaign is reaping the benefits of an exchange programme that ran earlier this year.

  • Pattison predicts an exciting year for the industry

    "Exciting" 12 months ahead


    Market analyst Plimsoll is predicting an “exciting” year in 2009 for the fresh produce industry, that will also feature a fall in sales growth coupled with job losses.

  • Nordmann Fir in a tight spot

    Christmas trees in tight supply


    Supplies of Nordmann Fir are likely to run tight this Christmas.

  • Sad time for William Church

    JPMO to cease trading


    Jersey Produce Marketing Organisation (JPMO) is to cease trading as tomato exports from the island grind to a halt.

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    Produced in Kent makes Christmas focus


    Local food initiative Produced in Kent is targeting families in the Garden of England to encourage them to buy from within the county as they watch the pennies this Christmas.