All articles by Jeff Long – Page 7
Grape year for California
Perfect weather has given rise to outstanding quality fruit in California’s table grape growing regions this season
Northwest cherries set new record
The US Northwest cherry industry is poised for a new seasonal record in 2012, with a forecast 23.5m carton-crop
Hail hits Washington apple volumes
A spate of summer hailstorms has reduced initial Washington apple crop forecasts to under 109m cartons
Smaller Hass avocado crop for Chile
Drought conditions in the country’s Hass avocado-growing regions look set to significantly reduce Chile’s output in 2012/13
Early start for California grapes
It’ll be early, big and beautiful – the Californian grape season looks set to provide the trade with a bumper, 100m-carton crop
Bumper year for Northwest cherries
Mother Nature has dealt a bumper crop to Northwest cherry growers this season, with volumes expected to exceed the 2009 record
North American grapes off to early start
The Mexican and Californian table grape deals are off to an early start this season, thanks to good growing conditions
Growth for Mexican table grapes
Half of this year’s 16.5m-carton export crop will enter the US market between 25 May and 15 June
Mexican mangoes enjoy better season
Volume is already ahead of last year’s pace, with the second half of the deal set to be just as strong from the late growing areas
California braced for short cherry crop
The southern region of California's San Joaquin Valley is expecting severely reduced production this season
Serious hail damage in California
Hail has torn through California’s central San Joaquin Valley and caused major damage to a range of fruit crops
ATP outlines keys to Mexico-US trade
Second America Trades Produce conference singles out supply chain inefficiencies and food safety concerns as the barriers to trade
Gap predicted for North American citrus market
Following an extreme winter for the domestic US citrus industry, both the US and Canadian markets could be short of fruit ahead of the summer months
Mexican asparagus season in full swing
Mexican asparagus grower-shippers are predicting strong production this year
Hass avocado breakthrough for Peru
First container of fruit not subject to cold treatment fumigation arrives in California, having being shipped by Agrokasa
Washington set for smaller apple crop
A late start for what looks to be a lighter Washington apple crop in 2011/12 should keep FOB prices riding high
China hungry for US grapes
The US grape season timing is not lining up well with key festivals in China this season, but overall the market is growing solidly
US stonefruit running late
A cold first half of the year has upset the timing and volume predictions for stonefruit growers in the western US
Tough times for California stonefruit
Following a decade of mostly unprofitable markets, the US state's stonefruit industry faces a very uncertain future
Mexican grapes survive frost
Production is estimated to be down slightly with volume expected to be shorter than usual until June