All Italy articles – Page 96

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    Italian sector needs young blood injection


    Youngsters are thin on the ground in Italy’s agricultural industry, according to the country’s observatory for entrepreneurial resources in the agricultural sector (Oiga).

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    Success for Italian colours campaign


    A three-year push to eat five pieces of different coloured fruit and vegetables a day in Italy has proven to be the best way of boosting consumption.

  • Italy responsible for a quarter of EU production

    Italy responsible for a quarter of EU production


    Fresh produce from Italy now represents a quarter of European production, agricultural organisation Coldiretti has revealed.

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    Italian clem production drops


    Italian clementine production is set for a 17 per cent drop to 360,000 tonnes this season, according to agricultural organisation Coldiretti.

  • Italy speaks out on CMO

    Italy speaks out on CMO


    Reform of the EU’s common market organisation (CMO) for fruit and vegetables must address growers’ needs by protecting their incomes and guaranteeing development for the future.

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    Italian researchers create gene bank


    Italian research station CRA has inaugurated a national fruit genetic centre to safeguard endangered plant material and national varieties.

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    Italians set kiwi date


    The Italian kiwifruit sector has agreed earlierst harvesting and marketing dates for this and two future seasons.

  • Italy takes a battering

    Italy takes a battering


    Rain has continued to belt down in Italy over the past week, putting up to 70 per cent of towns and villages at risk of flooding and causing “incalculable” damage to horticultural crops.

  • Italian fruit-eating superhero flies back into town

    Italian fruit-eating superhero flies back into town


    Mr Fruitness, the Italian superhero fronting the Fruit is Child’s Play campaign, has made a comeback this week to promote pears.

  • Italian grapes have taken a battering

    Italian farmers face €1bn losses


    Heavy rainstorms have flooded the Italian countryside, leaving farmers uncertain of the Italian grape harvest and facing a €1bn loss.

  • Hail crisis for Italian basil

    Hail crisis for Italian basil


    Italian basil has been seriously damaged by hailstones the size of ping pong balls and torrential rain in Genoa. Up to 80 per cent of the crop has been lost.

  • Italian citrus gains ground

    Italian citrus gains ground


    Italian citrus exporters who profited from a frost-struck year in Spain in 2005 which saw exports soar are hoping to maintain some of the market share they won.

  • Italian stonefruit volumes drop 13 per cent

    Italian stonefruit volumes drop 13 per cent


    The production of Italian peaches and nectarines has fallen 13 per cent, according to Centro Servizi Ortofrutticoli (CSO).

  • Nectarines in Romagna have been affected

    Rains lash Italian fruit


    Heavy rainfall and hail in the prime Italian fruit-growing area of Romagna has damaged thousands of hectares of stone-fruit production.

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    Let’s leave it to the Italians then


    It is not that much of a surprise that the FPC’s attempts to get Eat in Colour off the ground have already hit a rocky

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    Italian show promises new varieties


    The Fieragricola exhibition in Verona on February 9-12 will feature masses of new varieties of a range of products including pears, apples and kiwifruit.

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    Italian weather toll


    The harsh weather conditions are beginning to take their toll in Italy, with growers reporting damage.

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    Italians in kiwifruit accord


    Italian kiwifruit-growers have reached an agreement on minimum kiwifruit quality for the new season.

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    Hail hits Italian production


    Bad weather and hail is reported to have hammered Italian crops in the north of the country, with early reports suggesting more than €20 million worth of damage has been caused.

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    Italians back generic promo


    As the trade in the UK continues to prevaricate on the generic promotion issue, Italian growers are taking steps to reverse declining fresh produce consumption in their country.