All Israel articles – Page 39

  • Article

    Israeli and Palestinian co-operation


    Israeli and Palestinian farmers are strengthening their agricultural co-operation following the recent developments in the region.

  • Locust threat to fresh produce intensifies in Israel

    Locust threat to fresh produce intensifies in Israel


    Freshinfo’s correspondent in Israel Aaron Priel reports a serious development in the spread of locusts across the country.

  • Locusts invade southern Israel

    Locusts invade southern Israel


    Swarms of red locusts swept into southern Israel over the weekend and have already caused extensive damage in areas noted for fresh produce.

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    Commission agrees to Israeli proposal


    The European Commission has approved Israel's proposal to mark the origin of its exports to EU member countries

  • Agrexco confirmed as Re:fresh Awards sponsor

    Agrexco confirmed as Re:fresh Awards sponsor


    Agrexco UK has signed up as a sponsor of the Re:fresh Awards 2005.

  • Amos Orr: UK office living up to its true potential

    Agrexco on top form


    As reported in last week’s Journal, Agrexco’s UK office has just completed its most successful year ever, increasing turnover by 25 per cent to £97 million. Tommy Leighton visited Carmel House and the port of Marseille to find out some of the reasons behind a rare success story in a tough 2004 marketplace, and look forward to more of the same in the next 12 months.

  • Israeli impetus

    Israeli impetus


    The days are getting shorter and cooler in the UK, but it is at this time of year that Israeli producers have the biggest window to supply the UK with its winter range of produce. Anabella de Sousa talks to four Israeli companies about their plans for the winter season ahead.

  • Israeli grapefruit to fill hurricane holes

    Israeli grapefruit to fill hurricane holes


    Israeli grapefruit growers have record export volumes at their disposal and are anticipating a good season as they fulfil their programmes and fill some of the holes that have been blown in the hurricane-torn citrus market.

  • Record year in store for Israeli citrus

    Record year in store for Israeli citrus


    Israeli citrus growers are forecasting a record crop and an earlier start to the season this year.

  • Haim D Rabinowitch

    Israelis solve age-old garlic mystery


    Restoration of fertility to the now-sterile garlic plant has been accomplished by Israeli researchers, thus opening the way to wide-ranging scientific research that will lead to improved yields and quality of garlic.

  • Israel's seven-year hitch is over

    EU-Israel dispute settled


    The seven-year controversy between the EU and Israel regarding labeling products, fresh produce included, has come to a happy end.

  • Israeli exports on a high

    Israeli exports hit record high


    Israeli fresh produce exporters marked an all-time record during the first five months of 2004.

  • Agrexco thrives on quality supply

    Agrexco thrives on quality supply


    The Israeli potato season has come to an end now, having started in early December with new potatoes and finishing in July with new season main crop.

  • Israel gets in early

    Israel gets in early


    In this week’s focus on grapes Agrexco provides an update on developments in the Israeli marketplace.

  • Agrexco extends Bio Top range

    Agrexco extends Bio Top range


    Agrexco has been involved in the production of organic fruits and vegetables since 1970 under the brand name of Bio Top. John Broy reports.

  • Agrexco’s Granot designs

    Agrexco’s Granot designs


    Agrexco has formed key relationships with growers within the Granot Group in Israel’s Hadera region. Growers here joined forces as an agricultural co-operative to be able to make an impact in the European market and are working hard to innovate and make further in-roads. John Broy reports.

  • Exports of capsicum this season are expected to reach 26,000 tonnes

    Agrexco enjoys vegetable growth


    Agrexco's vegetable exports are spiralling upward and the Israeli exporter has plans to grow the category still further.

  • Article

    Agrexco berries break record


    Sendings of Israeli and Palestinian strawberries are up considerably on last season, reports Agrexco.

  • Favourable climatic conditions will mean an early harvest for seedless grape in Israel

    Israel looks forward to early grapes


    Harvesting of Israeli seedless grapes for export to Europe will start some three weeks earlier this year.

  • Tomaisin the latest offering from Israel

    Tomaisin the latest offering from Israel


    The Tomaisin is the latest in a long line of new products introduced by the Volcani Centre in Israel.