All Israel articles – Page 38

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    Israel in stone fruit bonanza


    Israel will focus export attention on a new destination for its peaches and nectarines this season.

  • Bezalel Madmon, Agrexco product manager for herbs, in amongst the chives

    Israeli herbs march onwards


    Herbs have become a flagship product for Israeli exporter Agrexco in recent years and those involved are now benefiting from the company’s most advanced technological development to date. Elspeth Waters investigates.

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    Israeli farm output climbs


    Latest figures published in Israel show significant gains in key exports.

  • Michael Ofran’s tiger tomatoes

    Agrexco dazzles


    With ever-present political and geographical issues to contend with, Israel’s horticulturists could be forgiven for opting out of the sector altogether. Yet, as Agrexco’s figures testify, exports continue to rise and growers across the board continue to dazzle Europe with their high quality produce and continual innovations, writes Elspeth Waters.

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    Israel avocado exports on the rise


    Israel’s 2004 avocado exports reached 50,000 tonnes; a 66 per cent rise in volume compared with 2003, according to Giora Sella, secretary general of the Israel Fruit Growers Association.

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    Israeli deal with Syria bears fruit


    More than 6,000 tonnes of apples from the Golan Heights have been exported to Syria this season.

  • Herbs highlight Israeli quality

    Herbs highlight Israeli quality


    The cultivation and export of fresh herbs from Israel attests to the widespread changes that characterise Israel’s modern agriculture: namely, the focus on added value produce, penetrating niche markets with special, top-quality tailor-made produce, adhering to national and international food-safety regulations as requested by the supermarket chains, credibility and continuity of supply. In short, value, quality and credibility, but not necessarily volume, is the name of the game.

  • Lemons at MTEX's Ashqelon packhouse earlier this week

    Israeli lemons make their mark


    Weather problems in Spain have enabled MTEX, the Israeli grower/exporter group to export lemons to the UK for the first time in a decade.

  • Agrexco looks to Peru

    Agrexco looks to Peru


    The performance of Israeli’s citrus fruit in the UK continues to improve. Agrexco aims to maintain this position and has joined forces with a Peruvian grower to ensure a continuous supply-base, reports Anabella de Sousa.

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    Israel in neighbourly fruit-fly gesture


    Technology from Israel will help growers in other Middle East countries to eradicate the Mediterranean fruit fly.

  • EU deal with Israel takes effect

    EU deal with Israel takes effect


    The arrangement between Israel and the EU regarding marking the origin of exports to the EU comes into effect from the beginning of this month (February).

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    Israeli farmers prepare to move


    Israel's Disengagement Administration, planning the pull out of Israeli settlements from the Gaza Region, is negotiating to sell to the World Bank the modern agricultural infrastructures set up by Israeli farmers.

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    New lettuce technology for Israel


    Equipped with an imported patented technology, two Israeli cooperative settlements in the Arava Region are starting a novel agricultural enterprise: growing insect/pest/sand/pesticide-free lettuce.

  • Amos Orr

    Israeli strawberry setback


    Freak weather in Israel, with temperatures dipping below freezing in certain growing areas, has hit Agrexco's strawberry crop right in the middle of the peak season.

  • Israeli avocado up

    Israeli avocado up


    Israel's avocado yields this year will amount to 80,000 tonnes, compared with 50,000 tonnes last year.

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    Israel signs trade agreement with Jordan


    Israel and Jordan signed today an upgraded trade agreement, which includes a one-third reduction of customs duties on Israeli exports to Jordan, while customs duties on Jordanian exports to Israel will be halved.

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    Israel sells apples to Syria in historic move


    A historic decision to sell Israeli apples to Syria has been made by the Israeli defence minister Shaul Mofaz, the Jerusalem Post has reported.

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    Israeli strawberries hit by freak weather


    Freak weather conditions in Israel have hit Agrexco’s strawberry crop right in the middle of the peak season.

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    Israeli tom sendings rise


    Agrexco is expecting a hike in exports of tomatoes to the UK and other markets this season.

  • The festive floral market will celebrate with 100m Israeli stems

    Israel to top the festive million


    Israel will export 100 million flowers to supply the market demand for the forthcoming Christmas and New Year holidays.