All Ireland articles – Page 33

  • Graeme Cross, top-fruit advisor

    Irish under pressure


    Irish producers, facing constant price pressure, are beginning to question their futures as they struggle to find the cash to invest and meet the modern market demands. Anthony Garvey reports.

  • Angus Wilson

    Irish firm opens £5m plant


    Wilson's Country Group (WCG) has opened a £5 million potato packing and fresh fruit processing facility.

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    Irish farm incomes rise


    Irish farm incomes are reported to be on the rise, up by 5.4 per cent on 2004, according to the latest data.

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    Irish breaking point


    By Anthony Garvey.

  • Irish breaking point

    Irish breaking point


    By Anthony Garvey.

  • Asda moving into Northern Ireland

    Asda moving into Northern Ireland


    Asda is set to move into the Ulster market following agreement with Morrison’s to purchase Safeway stores.

  • Tesco wins over Ireland

    Tesco wins over Ireland


    Tesco’s move to Ireland in the late 1990s was initially looked upon with suspicion and fear by the Irish fresh produce sector, but since then, the retailer has managed to win the hearts and minds of growers through it straightforward and innovative approach. Ed Bedington spoke to two suppliers who have been with the retailer from the start.

  • David Keeling

    Irish pepper project comes on stream


    FRUIT LOGISTICA: Leading Irish producer Keelings is preparing to harvest the first of its home-produced peppers, grown as part of an €8.2 million project.

  • Irish unity pays dividend

    Irish unity pays dividend


    Competitors working together to help each others business? Unheard of, you might think, but over the water in Ireland the unthinkable is happening. A number of companies from across the fresh produce sector have joined forces in a bid to improve training and skills within the industry, writes Ed Bedington.

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    Irish mushroom growers merge


    Two of the Republic of Ireland’s biggest mushroom growers are merging to form the biggest player in Europe’s mushroom industry.

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    Irish potato blight


    Ireland has found it first cases this year of potato blight according to an announcement by Teagasc

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    Food Dudes get green light in Ireland


    The renowned Food Dude Healthy Eating Programme developed by Professor Fergus Lowe (pictured) at Bangor University has made a successful foray into Ireland.

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    Tesco in Irish expansion


    UK supermarket group Tesco is reported to be expanding its operation in Ireland.

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    Ireland in step with Eurep


    Ireland's horticultural quality assurance scheme is being aligned with Eurep Gap standards.

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    Retailer Hale has luck of the Irish


    Fruit seller scoops glittering prize for superb display skills.John Hale, best of Northern Ireland say US Apple chiefs.

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    Irish price battle intensifies


    Produce may be the newest battleground in the struggle among retailers in Ireland.

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    Wal-Mart linked with Irish retailer Dunnes


    Speculation in the US suggests that Wal-Mart is in the process of talks with Republic of Ireland supermarket chain Dunnes with a view to an acquisition.