All Herbs articles – Page 36

  • Prestwick

    £1m expansion for UK herb grower


    R&G Stevens has completed the first phase of a project that will significantly increase its capacity.

  • Rizzo: state-of-the-art

    Mandar centre lights up Rungis landscape


    A new highlight has emerged on the landscape of Rungis. The Mandar Group, a wholesale fixture on the Parisian wholesale market since 1976, has recently moved to a state-of-the-art 8,000 square metre facility that moves the company onto a new stage.

  • Peter Falla has died at the age of 71

    Guernsey produce giant Falla dies


    The President of Guernsey's Committee for Horticulture, Deputy Peter Falla, has died in hospital in Southampton.

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    Marinated ingredients from Beacon Foods


    Beacon Foods has added marinated ingredients to its speciality range

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    Tastes of Anglia goes exotic


    Tastes of Anglia has seen a trend towards the production of new, exciting and innovative food and drin

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    Norfolk herb growing success


    Norfolk's Finest Herbs has announced that it has doubled its number of retail outlets and overall sales in the last year.

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    Israel up for a hot summer


    Increased specialisation and a finely honed product portfolio have contributed to the success of Israeli produce in recent years. And with avocados, mangoes and grapes proving more popular by the year, it seems that nothing can sate the UK demand for these eagerly anticipated summer lines. Emma Hardy reports.

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    Herb garden opens


    The new National Garden of the Herb Society was opened on Friday at Sulgrave Manor

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    Herb Society success


    The Herb Society won two silver medals at this year's Chelsea Flower Show.

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    Environment Agency announces finalists


    The list of finalists for the forthcoming Water Efficiency Awards have been announced.

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    French chef to star at Chelsea Flower Show


    Jean Christophe Novelli will be the guest of the Herb Society's garden at this year's RHS Chelsea Flower Show

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    Herb expansion


    Leading UK herb grower R&G Stevens is constructing a new packhouse at its West End nursery in Surrey.

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    Lifeline for minor crops


    Vegetable and herb growers get new herbicide uses

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    Book now to avoid unhealthiness


    The Oxford Book of Health Foods will be launched this month by Oxford University Press.

  • A bloke with a big red tray

    Sharp stays ahead of the game


    In today's competitive marketplace, staying one step ahead is vital to any business. Sharp Interpack, one of the UK's leading thermoformers of rigid plastic packaging, has done just that with a range of investments and the development of a number of innovative packaging solutions for its clients. The Journal reports.

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    Agrexco sets aim high


    Israel's largest horticultural exporter Agrexco expects a good performance in 2003.

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    Guernsey's herb remedy


    Guernsey horticulturists bank on herbs to preserve their industry.

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    Salad growers get SOLA benefit


    Outdoor lettuce producers have a new recommendation for an IPM-compatible insecticide and salad onion growers a fungicide for the control of downy mildew under the specific off-label approval (SOLA) system.

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    HDC wins Sola for lettuce growers


    The Horticultural Development Council (HDC) has gained specific-off-label approval (Sola) for the use of Amistar on protected lettuce crops to control bottom rot.

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    Agrexco launches herb offensive


    Buy one, get 25 per cent free.. only on Carmel Herbs.