All Herbs articles – Page 35

  • German firms team up

    German firms team up


    ONE OF Germany's best known top-fruit marketing groups, Elbe-Obst has linked with its country's largest potted herb grower, Gartenbauzentrale eG and vegetable grower/packer Hansen in two separate moves

  • Dan Nye says there is potential to increase volumes into Europe

    Nye time for innovation


    The herb industry has grown dramatically in the 14 years since specialist herb seed supplier CN Seeds was established. Now farther and son team Chris and Dan Nye who run the company, feel the sector is ready for new varieties.

  • Tozer - seeds on trial

    Tozer - seeds on trial


    Tozer Seeds recognises that the herb sector represents a key niche for its business. The company is trialing a host of variations of existing herbs, while Israeli company Genesis Seeds continues its research across various sites.

  • Scotherbs adds value

    Scotherbs adds value


    Located between Perth and Dundee, Scotherbs is a major grower and supplier of fresh herbs, which has pioneered new growing techniques. The company has recently launched a host of value added products to boost its range.

  • Swedeponic’s herb growth

    Swedeponic’s herb growth


    Swedeponic’s managing director Mark Powell highlights the consumers’ rising interest in herbs and how it plans to increase the shelf life of its products, while Sainsbury’s encourages its customers to wise up to the benefits of sage.

  • Steve Rothwell

    Watercress demand spirals


    The uptake in the UK for watercress is so keen that imports will be required this summer.

  • Exports of capsicum this season are expected to reach 26,000 tonnes

    Agrexco enjoys vegetable growth


    Agrexco's vegetable exports are spiralling upward and the Israeli exporter has plans to grow the category still further.

  • Salad sales soar

    Salad sales soar


    Dutch salad exports reached an all-time high last year and with new packing equipment and key growth in capsicum, it is not just disease-resistant lettuce that has kept ahead. Emma Hatfield reports.

  • Datamonitor has reported strong growth in the UK soft drinks industry

    Fruit juice part of soft drinks boom


    Independent market analyst Datamonitor has revealed that the market for soft drinks is booming, and the UK is the Europe’s second largest market behind Germany.

  • Article

    Automatic savings for Israeli growers


    Israeli farmers have started using an automatic planting system, which enables planting of between 5,000 and 7,000 vegetable and flower plants per hour in open fields or in greenhouses.

  • Lincolnshire growers announce merger

    Lincolnshire growers announce merger


    Jo’s Country Herbs and Ventura Nursery have announced the merger of their businesses to form Country Herbs and Plants.

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    Technology to make herbs fly


    My career in the fresh produce industry began in the early 1960s coinciding with Agrexco's arrival on the scene. The

  • Agrexco has unveiled a full crop traceability system for basil and other herbs

    Agrexco's code breakthrough


    Israeli exporter Agrexco has unveiled a revolutionary traceability system for herb sendings to the UK.

  • Agrexco expects 20 per cent uplift

    Agrexco expects 20 per cent uplift


    Agrexco has forecast a 20 per cent increase in its fresh herb exports this year.

  • The National Fruit Show celebrated 70 years

    The year in stories - October to December


    What were the five most-visited stories on freshinfo in each of the last three months of 2003? Click here to find out.

  • Tony Sullivan, Sainsbury's head of produce: working towards 100 per cent EurepGAP compliance.

    Assuring a nation


    With the retailers self-imposed deadline of December 31, 2003 for EurepGAP accreditation for their suppliers fast approaching, and unlikely to be achieved for all products, new quality assurance targets are being set. Certification body Checkmate International (Cmi) believes better guidance is required from EurepGAP, while Tesco has been busy with its own Nature's Choice scheme. John Broy reports.

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    New home for herbs


    The British Herb Trade Association is moving in with the Processed Vegetable Growers Association, in Louth.

  • Roberts stands out in Stoke

    Roberts stands out in Stoke


    The wholesaler Arthur Roberts & Sons is situated in the heart of Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire. The company prides itself on the consistent quality service that it has provided over four generations and in the rollercoaster industry of fresh produce this is no mean feat. John Broy reports.

  • Winter hots up for Israel

    Winter hots up for Israel


    As UK temperatures start to fall, prospects are hotting up for Israeli winter lines, particularly sweet potatoes, in light of European shortages and poor availability from the US. Emma Hatfield talks to Israeli producers and exporters to catch up on the latest news from Israel on conventional and organic lines.

  • Defra is making a substantial investment in research projects to tackle thrips and other pests

    £1million boost to biological control


    Defra has announced six research projects in the quest for biological solutions to enable growers to protect their crops.