All Herbs articles – Page 34

  • Mandar revamps its herb offer

    Mandar revamps its herb offer


    Rungis wholesale group Mandar is revamping some of its well known product range, mostly its fresh herbs offer.

  • Arava gets technological

    Arava gets technological


    The introduction of a computerised system has paid dividends for one winter salad producer.

  • Mike O’Brien and Marc Meyers on the NatureWorks stand at PMA

    Nature does work


    Cargill Dow is the first company to offer a family of commercially available polymers derived 100 per cent from annually renewable resources with the cost and performance to compete with petroleum-based packaging materials and fibres. It has achieved a breakthrough into the fresh produce industry by applying its unique technology to the processing of natural plant sugars to create a proprietary polylactide polymer, which is marketed under the NatureWorks PLA and Ingeo fibre brand names. Tommy Leighton spoke to the company.

  • Article

    Who’s headed for pastures new?


    Sainsbury’s has appointed Christian Hickey to take over as stone-fruit and tropical-fruit buyer, following the

  • Amos Orr: UK office living up to its true potential

    Agrexco on top form


    As reported in last week’s Journal, Agrexco’s UK office has just completed its most successful year ever, increasing turnover by 25 per cent to £97 million. Tommy Leighton visited Carmel House and the port of Marseille to find out some of the reasons behind a rare success story in a tough 2004 marketplace, and look forward to more of the same in the next 12 months.

  • Vessels burst into life

    Vessels burst into life


    Agrexco is reaping the rewards of a significant investment in two ships Ecofresh and Biotop. Tommy Leighton visited Marseille to talk to Agrexco’s general manager in the French port Jean Pierre Pachy.

  • Israeli impetus

    Israeli impetus


    The days are getting shorter and cooler in the UK, but it is at this time of year that Israeli producers have the biggest window to supply the UK with its winter range of produce. Anabella de Sousa talks to four Israeli companies about their plans for the winter season ahead.

  • Amos Orr

    Agrexco turnover soars in UK


    Agrexco, the largest exporter of fruit, vegetables and flowers from Israel, has registered a 25 per cent increase in its UK turnover in the last 12 months.

  • Health is behind consumers' push for more organics

    Health not environment is organic driver


    Sainsbury's research has found health issues are more of a driver in the purchase of organics than concern for the environment.

  • The cute face of baby veg

    The cute face of baby veg


    Mini produce lines have maximum appeal to consumers looking for the latest novelty trends. And as development continues and product moves increasingly into the mainstream arena, have baby vegetables finally come of age? Emma Hatfield reports.

  • David Ryther and fiancé Rebecca in the new glasshouse

    Organic herbs get Essex boost


    Year-round organic potted herb production received a boost as a new 1.1 acre site at North Weald, Essex came into production this month.

  • Left to right: Steve Bell, unit director, Frupac, Chris Clapham, John Foley, Waitrose head of buying, fruit, vegetables and horticulture, David Lynch and William Burgess

    New hub for Waitrose


    As part of a Waitrose supply partner project aimed at reducing costs through supplier collaboration, Produce World has opened Frupac...

  • Left to right: Steve Normington, Budgens senior fresh food buyer with Patrick Login, managing director of KFF Potatoes

    Budgens perfects spud mix


    With healthy sales of prepared potato products, Budgens is focussing on convenience and the meal solution concept as it aims to make fresh potatoes more appealing to consumers. Emma Hatfield reports.

  • 5-a-day the Humber way

    5-a-day the Humber way


    Humber VHB has instigated a Greenery initiative to teach schoolchildren the merits of eating more fruits and vegetables.

  • Apple Mint is Sainsbury's herb of the month for June

    Sainsbury's pushes mint in June


    Sainsbury's has announced it will be focusing on apple mint as its June herb of the month.

  • Article

    Herb Society pleas to save plants


    The Herb Society of Great Britain is campaigning to save medicinal plant species from extinction.

  • Work to rules

    Work to rules


    Labour has never been a more pertinent issue in the fresh produce industry. From the well-documented difficulties of procuring seasonal pickers to a general decline in skills - many within the industry face a huge challenge to both recruit and maintain adequate levels of staff. Emma Hatfield reports.

  • Promotions that pack a punch

    Promotions that pack a punch


    Watercress and spinach continue to pack a punch, not only for their nutritional benefits but also in terms of promotional activity. Thanks to the continued efforts of the Watercress Alliance and the ongoing success of the combined bagged salad mix, the main issue this season will be how to keep up with burgeoning demand. Emma Hatfield reports.

  • Kitchener herb garden

    Kitchener herb garden


    In the last in our April series of profiles on herbs, Sainsbury’s takes us through its herb programme for 2004, Arava comments on the progress the industry is making, and Agrexco UK’s product manager Mike Caddy gives us a guided tour of the growth areas.

  • German firms team up

    German firms team up


    ONE OF Germany's best known top-fruit marketing groups, Elbe-Obst has linked with its country's largest potted herb grower, Gartenbauzentrale eG and vegetable grower/packer Hansen in two separate moves