All Herbs articles – Page 33

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    New appointments at herb company


    Herb supplier British Pepper & Spice (BPS) has made two new appointments within the company and is also pleased to announce a further internal appointment.

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    Israeli greenhouses to cross Green Line


    Israel's Flower Growers Association has proposed to the Ministry of Agriculture a plan to transfer all the greenhouses in the Israeli settlements in the Gaza Region to new areas within the "Green Line" in Israel.

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    Herbs put in appearance


    The British Herb Trade Association (BHTA) has made its first public appearance at the Wholly Herbs show at West Dean Gardens near Chichester, recently.

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    Florette's sweet meal


    Florette’s latest offer was a tasty starter for guests at the Re:fresh Awards dinner.

  • Bezalel Madmon, Agrexco product manager for herbs, in amongst the chives

    Israeli herbs march onwards


    Herbs have become a flagship product for Israeli exporter Agrexco in recent years and those involved are now benefiting from the company’s most advanced technological development to date. Elspeth Waters investigates.

  • SpringThyme Oils - marketing director Ken Williams (left) and md John Graham

    Fresh herbs widen again


    As suggested in the Profile on...herbs earlier this month, the demand for fresh herbs is on the increase across the board as meals, both cooked from scratch and ready-prepared, accommodate an increasingly broad selection of ingredients. Elspeth Waters investigates some of the different areas of expansion.

  • New breeds of herb

    New breeds of herb


    With the demand for herbs rising steadily, seed producers are continually striving to perfect existing breeds and help growers expand the market.

  • James Lambe, president of Europam with fellow members in Austria

    UK in tune on herbs


    The consumption of fresh herbs continues to rise in the UK as dishes become more in tune with flavours long-since enjoyed throughout the rest of Europe. However, owing to an unfavourable climate which limits the number of viable varieties, the country is unable to compete with some of its neighbours in terms of production area.

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    Boom time for the herb


    Fresh herbs are enjoying a boom, and there is every indication that the momentum is going to continue.

  • Warren and Matthew Prestwich examine the produce

    Boom time for the herb


    Fresh herbs are enjoying a boom, and there is every indication that the momentum is going to continue.

  • Herbs highlight Israeli quality

    Herbs highlight Israeli quality


    The cultivation and export of fresh herbs from Israel attests to the widespread changes that characterise Israel’s modern agriculture: namely, the focus on added value produce, penetrating niche markets with special, top-quality tailor-made produce, adhering to national and international food-safety regulations as requested by the supermarket chains, credibility and continuity of supply. In short, value, quality and credibility, but not necessarily volume, is the name of the game.

  • Food scare could benefit produce

    Food scare could benefit produce


    The food scare involving a cancer-causing dye in ready meals could drive consumers into the fresh arena, industry insiders and analysts have said.

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    Waitrose backs BHTA


    The British Herb Trade Association and Waitrose are throwing their weight behind the first Wholly Herbs show.

  • U40s delegates visit pear orchard

    PearFect Van Doorn introduction


    Edwin de Wit of major supplier Van Doorn International Fruit bv and Ton Besseling of agro-chemical manufacturer Makhteshim Agan introduced U40s Conference delegates to Van Doorn’s latest venture in pear production, ‘PearFect’.

  • Breaking the subsidy reliance

    Breaking the subsidy reliance


    Portugal has been increasing its fresh produce offer to the UK market for several years, but can it escape its dependance on subsidy to stand on its own two feet? Anabella de Sousa investigates.

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    Sourcing mysteries in the aisles


    While it is generally agreed that international production of many fruit and vegetables has already reached glut proportions,

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    Year of the chervil


    Agrexco's Michael Caddy believes 2005 could be the year chervil makes a comeback in the UK supermarkets.

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    Growing taste for squash


    UK consumers are developing a taste for sweet potato and butternut squash products, according to specialist fresh and exotic ingredients supplier Beacon Foods.

  • Organic seed gathers pace

    Organic seed gathers pace


    Organic seed producers face similar challenges to organic growers. As a result, good quality organic seed is significantly more expensive to produce. Sue Jupe reports.

  • The new glory days

    The new glory days


    In its heyday, the historic wholesale market at Borough in London was a hive of activity with over 250 wholesale companies in operation. Though the glory days of wholesaling have since disappeared, the seven remaining companies and the retail market, which opened in 1998, are now enjoying the buzz of national and international recognition, recently crowned with the best market award from the Observer Food magazine, writes Anabella de Sousa.