All Herbs articles – Page 31

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    Bryan reflects on three fun decades in trade


    Agrexco’s projects manager, Terry Bryan, is bowing out after 30 years of service to the company. He talks to Elspeth Waters about the prospect of retirement and what he has learned and loved about his life in the fresh produce industry

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    F1 champ to speak at tomato conference


    Champion F1 driver-turned organic grower Jody Scheckter will speak at this year’s annual tomato conference in September.

  • Colombian exporter strengthens organic offer

    Colombian exporter strengthens organic offer


    Established Colombian exporter of exotic fruit, herbs and vegetables, Frutexpo, is looking to develop the country’s organic sector, following growing demand for its produce in the UK and Europe.

  • Waitrose has unveiled a range of organic recipe cards featuring fresh produce

    Waitrose revamps organic offering


    Waitrose has announced the launch of a new-look organics range, enabling its customers to shop 100 per cent organically.

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    Agrexco offers ocean taste with salty Orache


    A fresh herb that that could reduce the need to add salt to food is now available in limited volumes from Agrexco.

  • Colombian papaya, year-round

    Colombian papaya, year-round


    Ultraroma, the Colombian grower and exporter that has built up a successful herb business in Europe, has extended its portfolio with the addition of a year-round papaya programme.

  • Agrexco set for privatisation

    Agrexco set for privatisation


    Israel's Minister of Agriculture Shalom Simhon is acting to privatise Agrexco and transfer the ownership of the company to growers.

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    Joint venture to boost profile of microleaves


    UK fresh herbs and salad cress producer HumberVHB, has announced a joint venture with Westland Nurseries to market and distribute microleaf products.

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    Lighthorne secures bigger JS deal


    Warwickshire grower and packer, Lighthorne Herbs is celebrating securing 75 per cent of Sainsbury’s cut herb business.

  • HumberVHB push for British cress

    HumberVHB push for British cress


    UK fresh cress and herbs grower HumberVHB has embarked on its first ever PR campaign to push home-grown cress into the spotlight.

  • Cyprus adapts approach

    Cyprus adapts approach


    Fresh produce exports from Cyprus have fallen sharply in recent years. The necessary technical expertise is there in abundance but can the sector face up to the marketing demands of the 21st century? Elspeth Waters visited the island to determine the status quo, and report separately on the citrus, potato, veg and herb sectors.

  • Jamie's herb passion has help boost Sainsbury's sales

    Sainsbury's herb sales rocket


    Sainsbury’s has reported a 13 per cent rise in herb sales over the last year. According to the retailer’s Chris Wells, sales have been driven by a combination of increasing consumer awareness and focus on ensuring product is available in store.

  • Innovate or drop out

    Innovate or drop out


    Innovation is now the lifeblood of the fresh produce industry. But it has not always been this way. In a sector where it can take decades to bring a new variety to market, what is changing to make originality a by-word for survival? Kathy Hammond talks to some of the movers and shakers to find out how they are mixing it up to keep the fresh produce sector at the top of its game.

  • Herbs flavour UK market

    Herbs flavour UK market


    Celebrity chefs are not the only ones who are doolally about herbs. Strong demand in the UK shows few signs of abating and producers have been quick to identify opportunities in the marketplace. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

  • Heat helps with herbs

    Heat helps with herbs


    Red Deer Herbs is claiming to have developed a form of treatment for its products, which not only tackles bacteria, but also improves product appearance.

  • BHTA throws open its doors

    BHTA throws open its doors


    The British Herb Trade Association (BHTA) is inviting membership from other sectors

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    Aid agency lends a hand


    An aid agency was on hand in Berlin to help new companies and countries to find new markets in the EU.

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    New seed for baby leaves and herbs


    Israeli organic seed-breeder Genesis Seeds is launching its newly branded herbs line - Genesis Select Herb Seeds this week.

  • BHTA forges closer links

    BHTA forges closer links


    The British Herb Trade Association (BHTA) is benefiting from closer links with the Horticultural Development Council and Adas and is drawing up a strategy of work for 2006.

  • Herb market spiced up by 30 per cent

    Herb market spiced up by 30 per cent


    Sales of herbs and spices were up by 30 per cent in the UK last year.