All Health articles – Page 106

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    5 A DAY anoraks


    Tony Bilsborough and Noel Goulding - 5IVEADAYWAY event co-ordinators.If you want to define the term ‘5 A DAY

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    Choose health


    Angela Towers, 5 A DAY Supra Regional Co-ordinatorFollowing the recent election, the government has set out clear plans for

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    Make the connection


    Steve Harrison, MD, Redbridge Fresh ServicesMost of us do not eat enough fruit and vegetables, although we know that it is

  • The kids are alright

    The kids are alright


    With the ongoing focus on school meals, spurred by Jamie Oliver’s campaign, Elspeth Waters looks into the realities of the growing attention directed towards healthy eating among children and some of the fresh produce initiatives happening elsewhere.

  • Schooling an industry

    Schooling an industry


    In the second week of our School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme profile, Elspeth Waters talks to some of the leading suppliers and distributors to discover what impact the scheme is having on the fresh produce industry.

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    Let’s get together


    Tommy leighton, Editor, Fresh produce JournalAmazingly, already two years have passed since the government launched its 5 A

  • A scheme to change lives

    A scheme to change lives


    In the first week of a month-long profile on the Schools Fruit and Vegetable Scheme Elspeth Waters looks at the governing bodies behind the scheme, its latest developments and the targets in place for the future.

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    Oranges and bananas in leukaemia link


    Giving infants oranges and bananas regularly may halve their risk of developing childhood leukaemia, suggest the results of a new study.

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    Get fruity on Friday


    Harriet Chan - World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF UK) Corporate Development Never has the health of the nation been such an

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    Joined-up approach


    To start the new year, the Journal’s monthly look at the 5 A DAY campaign features one of its five integral strands -

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    Making it even easier


    Melanie Johnson, Minister for Public HealthThe government’s white paper on public health aims to make it easier for