All Health articles – Page 100

  • Mariann Fischer Boel: delighted

    EU enthusiastic for school fruit scheme


    Member states in the EU have taken a huge step to ensuring a healthy future for their citizens after signing up to the pan-European free fruit and vegetables scheme and increasing the budget for the project.

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    Incredible Edibles hit Republic


    Irish horticulture minister Trevor Sargent has praised the Incredible Edibles initiative, set up to encourage schoolchildren to grow their own fresh produce and award more than €10,000 (£8,600) in educational funds.

  • Tomato health pill questioned

    Tomato health pill questioned


    A new health pill that uses tomatoes to prevent heart disease and strokes has been questioned by the industry, which claims that fresh offers a better option.

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    Health research cites grapes


    New studies conducted in the US have unearthed further evidence that grapes are a natural remedy for two illnesses.

  • Bananas have become too expensive according to caterer MetroFresh

    Bananas dumped from school menu


    Bananas have been ostracised from school dinner menus at a school in Wigan amid fears from the local council is ignoring nutrition.

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    Fears over fruit and veg allergies


    The number of people struck by allergies to fruit and vegetables has rocketed rapidly, according to a specialist.

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    JR Holland selected for Isafruit


    JR Holland Food Services has been selected as an official provider for Isafruit, the European scheme for provision of free fruit in the workplace.

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    Sensory strawbs win out


    US researchers have confirmed that the sensory quality of strawberries plays a strong influence on consumer preferences, as a result of a complex balance of sweetness, aroma, texture and appearance.

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    Somerset unveils healthy-eating DVD


    Somerset County Council has launched a new DVD, called Kick Starting Health: Working together for the Future of Somerset’s Children, to promote healthy eating and exercise among children, families and schools in the county.

  • Monty Don

    National Trust launches grow-your-own plan


    Controversial gardener Monty Don has welcomed the National Trust’s announcement that it will create 1,000 new allotment plots on its land over the next three years as “enlightened”.

  • Apples provide breast cancer hope

    Apples provide breast cancer hope


    Apple extract could be the key in catching breast cancer tumours before they spread, according to new research carried out in America.

  • Mr Fruitness recaps after three years

    Mr Fruitness recaps after three years


    Italian fresh produce players have taken stock of their three-year Fruitness - enjoy it! project aimed at encouraging children to eat more fruit and vegetables, now that it has reached its conclusion.

  • Obama's personal consumption will be studied closely

    Obama waves world health wand


    As the eyes of the world scrutinise new US president Barack Obama, reports suggest he may prove crucial in the worldwide success of fresh produce and healthy eating.

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    Free fruit launch in Durham


    Durham County Council employees are receiving free fruit at work as part of a study run by the EU Isafruit project.

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    Apple addictions may prevent asthmatic babies


    In a new twist to the age-old ‘apple a day’ adage a study has shown that pregnant women who often eat apples during their pregnancy may protect their newborns from asthma.

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    Antioxidants show no cancer prevention signs


    Antioxidant supplements often used by health food shops do not reduce your risk of developing cancer, according to a trial involving more than 7,500 women.

  • Orange juice is losing the battle for breakfast-affection

    Exotic juice pips classic orange


    The traditional British breakfast glass of orange juice is being spurned by early-risers in favour of more exotic flavours.

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    Fruit and veg can prevent breast cancer recurrence


    Breast cancer survivors who consume fresh fruit and vegetables can cut their chances of a tumour relapse by up to a third, a study revealed.

  • Christmas cheer runs out for those taken ill

    Brits risk poisoning for turkey treats


    One in five people will risk food poisoning this year by eating old turkey leftovers, according to a survey by the Food Standards Agency (FSA).

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    Brits dreaming of good health


    By James Gripper