All Guatemala articles – Page 5
Guatemala lime deal expanded
Southern Specialties has increased its presence in growing and shipping Persian limes
Frutesa expands production base
New farms will boost export programmes of mange-tout and sugar snap peas as European demand continues to grow
Guatemala retains firm grip on US
Despite rising exports to Europe, Guatemala is confident it will maintain its sizeable share of the US agricultural market
Research facility opens in Guatemala
New centre aims to foster sustainable and innovative greenhouse production across Latin America
Agritrade showcases Central America
Central America's leading agribusiness show is on course to boost both exhibitor and visitor numbers this year
Asunción Export plans US penetration
Organic production growth gives Guatemalan producer-exporter volume to explore new export avenues for peas and beans
Dole resolves environmental lawsuit
Multinational 'amicably resolves' lawsuit claiming it misrepresented its commitment to the environment in Guatemala
Chiquita reveals preliminary results
Fourth quarter and full-year figures outline relatively flat sales and lower income for the fresh produce multinational
Ayco demonstrates social conscience
Group celebrates strong start to melon season by contributing computer equipment to two schools in Guatemala
EU banana disputes officially end
European Union and Latin American officials sign historic deal to close all disputes relating to banana imports into the EU
Pure Fresh expands import programmes
More South American berries and Guatemalan vegetables will be available to the US and Canada thanks to production growth
HLB launches rambutan offer
The group's rambutans will be promoted at several US supermarkets in the coming weeks to introduce the exotic fruit to the market
Frutesa to launch lemon variety
Mayan Meyer lemons from Guatemala will be available in Europe by the end of 2012
More mangoes reach US shores
Arrivals of mangoes into the US market from Peru, Mexico and Guatemala rose at the end of March, new report shows
Fyffes enjoys positive start to 2012
Improved pricing in Europe boosts expected earnings, following impressive increase in net profit during 2011
FDA drops lawsuit against Del Monte
Organisation lifts contentious import ban on Guatemalan cantaloupe melons sourced by Del Monte Fresh Produce
Del Monte opens Guatemalan facility
Del Monte's is shipping premium tomatoes and vegetables to North America from its hydroponic greenhouses in Guatemala
Guatemalan shooting shocks banana trade
The treasurer of the Izabal Banana Plantation Workers’ Union (SITRABI) in Guatemala, Idar Joel Hernández Godoy, was killed by unidentified gunmen as he left the Nuevo Campo plantation in the community of Los Amates this week.
Dole turns to Chep for bananas
Group's Fresh Fruit subsidiary has signed a contract to transport bananas from Central America using Chep services
Mangoes do it the Purfresh way
Gold Label Products has employed the Purfresh Transport system to ship mangoes from Guatemala to Europe