Grape news archive – Page 89

  • Article

    Ambassador for health


    Magnus Scheving is best known to millions of kids and parents the world over as Sportacus, the hero of hit TV show LazyTown. But when he’s not fighting Robbie Rotten, Scheving is a tireless advocate of exercise and healthy eating. And, as he tells Michael Barker, he is on a mission to improve the health of UK children

  • Chile grapes crate

    Chilean table grape volume dips


    The US market has received the lion’s share of the sendings so far this season in which overall shipments are down compared with 2009/10

  • Anton Rabe

    Rain and tough market hinder South Africans


    South African stonefruit volumes are set to fall significantly amidst “extremely tough” marketing conditions while the country’s white grapes suffer from excess rainfall and flooding.

  • South Africa unveils campaign plans

    South Africa unveils campaign plans


    South Africa’s top-fruit and stonefruit industry has unveiled details of its winter campaign in the UK, at the beginning of what it expects to be a challenging year.

  • Queensland fruit fly credit NSW Department of Primary Industries

    Australian fruit fly outbreak in Sunraysia


    A fruit fly discovery last week in Australia’s Sunraysia region could disrupt market access to some countries, just as the area’s table grape season moves into harvesting

  • Portugal eyes the UK

    Portugal eyes the UK


    The Portuguese fresh produce industry is stepping up to the challenge of supplying the UK marketplace like never before, despite experiencing major weather disruptions last season. Elizabeth O’Keefe visits vegetable and salad producers in southern Portugal to find out more

  • South Africa counts rain cost

    South Africa counts rain cost


    The South African table grape export crop could be as much as five million cartons lower following damage by rain in some of the production regions.

  • Helicopter spray grapes Australia

    Weather hampers Australian grape production


    Table grape losses, due to rains and heavy flooding in eastern parts of Australia, could lead to a decrease in exports this year

  • Indian grape registrations rise

    Indian grape registrations rise


    The number of Indian grape growers registering to export to Europe rose in 2010, despite 2009's disastrous deal.

  • Article

    Solid table grape season for Peru


    The volume and value of Peru’s 2010/11 table grape sendings to date have exceeded figures for last season

  • South Africa northern region grapes

    South African grape forecast falls


    The South African table grape export crop could be as much as 5m cartons lower following damage by rain in some production regions

  • South African grapes hit by rain

    South African grapes hit by rain


    South African table grape growers in the early production regions are counting the cost as rain affected production in the Northern regions, the Orange River and parts of the Western Cape.

  • Grapes

    Rains dent RSA grape expectations


    South African table grape growers are counting the cost as rain impacts northern regions, the Orange River and parts of the Western Cape

  • Peru Red Globe grapes

    Australian table grapes gear up for China


    Officials form the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service have begun inspecting more than 200 table grape operations in preparation for that country’s first season exporting grapes to the Chinese mainland

  • Indian grapes

    Indian EU grape export registrations rise


    The number of Indian grape growers registering to export to Europe rose in 2010, despite 2009's disastrous deal

  • South Africa grapes

    Tough season for Orange River grapes


    Difficult campaign for Orange River grape growers as events on both sides of the ocean disrupt their season, but shipments of South African stonefruit are ahead of schedule

  • Peru Red Globe grapes

    Flood damages West Australian grapes


    Table grape growers will be amongst those counting the costs after heavy flooding in Western Australia devastated crops and left hundreds of people homeless

  • Article

    Spanish fret over crop damage


    Low temperatures and frosts across Spain over recent days have caused concern among the country’s fresh produce sector over possible damage to late year crops, with one report already indicating losses among artichoke producers.

  • Capespan gives Christmas donations

    Capespan gives Christmas donations


    The Capespan Foundation has donned its Santa hat and delivered presents to children in rural pre-schools in Namibia.

  • Article

    box of fruit is for life, not just for Christmas


    Christmas has come around as quickly as ever and there is an inevitable focus on the wide range of festive lines aiming to