Grape news archive – Page 137

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    Redbridge and Chingford link up


    Redbridge Produce Marketing and Chingford Fruit Ltd have announced they are forging a joint working alliance to supply grapes to Sainsbury's, as the first move in a strategy to form a separate trading entity later this year.

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    Grapes hold shelf-life key


    Apples and a host of other produce could stay fresher for longer thanks to grapes, recent research has found.

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    Tesco puts toms on trial


    Tesco runs loose, Spanish on-the-vine tomato trials in a packaging style normally associated with grapes.

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    Spanish clems return to firing line


    Grower groups in California are preparing to take the US plant health authority to court over its decision to allow the re-entry of Spanish clementine imports.

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    Sugraone bound for Italy


    Producers throughout Italy will have access to Sugraone grapevines from February, following the announcement that Vitroplant Vivai has been appointed to handle the variety in the country.

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    Brazil looks to pep up export challenge


    Two of the leading fruit producers in the north east of Brazil have called for trend-led change and co-operation to drive the country's export industry forward.

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    Tesco and Spanish government stage strategy summit


    Spanish minister of agriculture visits Tesco and A Gomez to discuss future collaboration.

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    Soft fruit industry looks healthy


    The UK soft fruit industry looks in good shape after the supermarkets concentrated on home grown strawberries and raspberries. However, there are fears that price wars could damage the growing figures of the past 10 years.

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    SA grape volumes swell


    The South African grape season is just starting with talk of volumes rising to as many as 13 million cartons.

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    NZ: Worst spring in 20 years


    Frosts and hail in the Bay of Plenty and Hawke's Bay areas of New Zealand have caused tens of millions of New Zealand dollars worth of damage to fruit crops.

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    Frost hits again in New Zealand


    Top fruit and kiwifruit growers are facing some tough decisions after frosts in the Hawkes Bay and Bay of Plenty areas.

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    Cold snap welcome in RSA


    Capespan's deciduous fruit producers look set to reap the rewards of a cold spell in South Africa for the second year in a row.

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    Rains' mixed blessing


    Rainfall and hailstorms in eastern Spain at the beginning of last week are causing concerns among growers about the development of fungal and other diseases which could affect their crops but have helped replenish reservoirs.

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    Argentinean export rise


    According to latest figures from the national food health and safety service in Argentina, Senasa, fresh fruit exports for the first six months of 2002 are up 13 per cent on the same period in 2001.

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    Spanish trees battered


    Hailstorms, high winds and heavy rainfall struck eastern Spain last Thursday causing euro106 million of damage, according to Valencia producers' association Ava-Asaja.

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    Extra-EU apples down


    The apple harvest from European countries outside the EU is expected to decline in 2002 by 12 per cent compared to the previous season although this still represents an increase of some 18 per cent on the five-year average.

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    Greek grape suffers rain


    Heavy rainfall in parts of Greece over the end of last week and the weekend is threatening to dampen hopes for the start of the grape season.

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    Fruit acquitted by jury


    An 800-strong parents' jury set up by independent lobby group the Food Commission has given fruit top honours in its first Children's Food Awards on July 15.

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    UK is eating more fruit


    UK consumers are eating 12 per cent more fresh fruit than they were five years ago, according to the latest IGD report on UK food consumption habits which suggests the popularity of convenience food is continuing to rise.

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    Yugoslav fruit catastrophe


    Frosts last month drastically reduce deciduous fruit production: Serbia's main export.