Grape news archive – Page 134

  • Capespan is extending its activities in the Aussenkehr Valley, Namibia

    Capespan Grapes opens Namibian office


    Capespan Grapes says its new office in Namibia will dramatically increase export volumes from the country this season.

  • Piet Karsten will have more time now to concentrate on further expansion of his empowerment project at Keboes Farm, which supplied the first Fairtrade branded South African grape to the UK last year.

    Karsten resigns Capespan positions


    Piet Karsten of Karsten Farms, has resigned his directorships of Capespan Group Holdings Ltd and Capespan Grapes, of which he was also chairman.

  • Currencies causing problems

    Currencies causing problems


    The fresh produce sector is keeping a watchful eye on a strengthening in the values of sterling and the euro against the dollar as well as tough situations for key southern hemisphere currencies.

  • Co-op first with organic Fairtrade grapes

    Co-op first with organic Fairtrade grapes


    The Co-op has brought the first Fairtrade organic grapes to the UK.

  • Article

    What happened while you were away? Click here


    A Happy New Year from everyone at the Fresh Produce Journal and Here's what you've missed while you've been away...

  • New seedless grape variety on water to UK

    New seedless grape variety on water to UK


    UK consumers will soon have their first taste of an American-bred black seedless grape as the initial commercial shipments of Midnight Beauty® brand grapes arrive in Europe.

  • Article

    Grape market slackens


    Supplies are coming onto the grape market in the UK in greater volume creating different challenges for handlers as stone fruit finds eager demand.

  • Sainsbury's priorities



    Simon Dunn took over responsibility for Sainsbury's stonefruit category from Matthew King three months ago. Tommy Leighton talks to him about the company's stonefruit philosophy.

  • I'll drink to that: Capespan brand manager Reg Salota

    Thirsty work


    A wide range of fruit has squeezed its way into the juicing sector of late and despite the arrival of exotic blends and packaging innovations there is still plenty of room for development in a sector that thirsts for change. Emma Hatfield reports.

  • South Africans build on success

    South Africans build on success


    The success of the last South African grape season looks set to continue into the 2003/4 campaign. Favourable weather conditions should ensure good, clean fruit, though a slight delay is expected with the pre-Christmas crop. More growers are taking part in assurance schemes such as EurepGAP and Tesco's Nature's Choice as they look to develop their businesses. John Broy reports.

  • Article

    Sun World seals Saudi deal


    Californian grape breeder Sun World has reached an agreement with up-and-coming grape producers in Saudi Arabia.

  • Weather conditions have NZ growers in buoyant mood for the 2004 harvest

    NZ expecting bumper yields


    New Zealand press reports suggest top-fruit and kiwifruit growers are expecting a bumper harvest in 2004.

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    Holmans unveils two new Aussie grapes


    Australian wholesaler, grower and exporter Holmans has unveiled two new varieties of grape for export.

  • Co-op was also first with Fairtrade bananas

    Co-op first with Fairtrade grape


    The Co-op is the first UK retailer to have South African Fairtrade grape on its shelves.

  • Stone fruit and grape is starting late out of South Africa this season

    South African stone fruit delayed


    South African stone fruit and grape are coming on stream considerably behind a normal start to the season.

  • Article

    Fresh Del Monte go to Poles


    Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc has announced the acquisition of Polish-based Expans, a leading distributor of fresh fruit and vegetables.

  • Thandi grapes got the backing of Nelson Mandela and the British government at an event in London last week

    Mandela message for Fairtrade retailers


    Former South African president Nelson Mandela has delivered a strong message of support for South African Fairtrade fruit and also the UK's retailers.

  • Freight expectations

    Freight expectations


    With both sea and air freight becoming increasingly competitive industries, providing a better quality service is the best way of staying ahead of the opposition. Increasing red tape for sea freight is not making it any easier though, and air freight could soon be left behind without technological developments. John Broy reports.

  • Lance Cornell and Alan Avison: The new wizards of Oz?

    Avicorn to open up down under


    Importer-exporter Avicorn is opening an office in Australia in December.

  • Sainsbury's hopes to drive kids' fruit consumption with a new Mr Men campaign

    Mr Men look to improve eating habits


    Sainsbury's is launching a campaign this month in a bid to encourage children to eat more fruit.