Grape news archive – Page 131

  • New appointment for Chiquita

    New appointment for Chiquita


    Chiquita Brands International has appointed Tanios Viviani as the new vice president of Fresh Cut Fruit.

  • Aussenkehr Valley, Namibia

    Namibia ready early


    The new Namibian grape season is expected to start slightly early: some seven to 10 days in advance of the late debut last year.

  • Putting the seal on nature

    Putting the seal on nature


    By Anabella de Sousa

  • Sulphur fear for grapes

    Sulphur fear for grapes


    Fears table grapes will be left off the list for the positive use of sulphur dioxide are growing, Freshel Europe has reported.

  • Article

    Pumpkin up the autumn volume


    For some reason, I always associate the famous autumnal lines about “mellow fruitfulness” with pumpkins. I suppose it is because they usually form a centrepiece at harvest festival, writes David Shapley.

  • Article

    Hurricane blows hacks off course


    It is not often that journalists ask for or receive sympathy. But for most of us, covering the hurricane path of Ivan was a

  • Extra-EU exporters of grapes would face the biggest problems were sulphur dioxide pads banned

    Industry fears grape ban


    Pressure from the Scandinavian markets has caused widespread panic among grape producers fearful that the use of sulphur dioxide pads could be outlawed by the European Commission.

  • Peru takes a grip

    Peru takes a grip


    This may not be the peak of the recognised Peruvian asparagus season. In fact, it is a traditional downtime for one of the few products that is in production 52 weeks a year. But it is available in large volumes as the Peruvian summer looms and the microclimate in Peru’s production centres allows growers to maintain a consistent quality and volume throughout the year. Tommy Leighton talks to Philippe Augier, md of importer Midifruit about the future of the Peruvian industry.

  • Chileans zip it

    Chileans zip it


    A leading Chilean packaging producer is reaping the rewards after introducing new technology to its bags.

  • Chiquita Chile has expanded its interests in the country

    Chiquita strikes deal in Chile


    Chiquita Chile has forged a partnership with another Chilean fruit exporter Verfrut and could expand its exports from the country by 50 per cent next season.

  • Ports look for security

    Ports look for security


    The UK ports industry is the largest in Europe in terms of total tonnage handled. Emma Hatfield looks at how the sector measures up when dealing with new legislation for security and the difficulties currently being encountered in enlarging container port capacity.

  • Greeks on a roll

    Greeks on a roll


    The Greeks won the European Championship; they’re about to host the Olympic Games; but more importantly will they have a good grape season? Emma Hatfield reports on this year’s crop.

  • Left to right: Steve Bell, unit director, Frupac, Chris Clapham, John Foley, Waitrose head of buying, fruit, vegetables and horticulture, David Lynch and William Burgess

    New hub for Waitrose


    As part of a Waitrose supply partner project aimed at reducing costs through supplier collaboration, Produce World has opened Frupac...

  • Article

    McDonald's delights Del Monte


    The turnaround in McDonald's fortunes announced earlier this week has been warmly welcomed by Del Monte.

  • Rupert Maude with the first pick of Red Globe at El Ciruelo

    El Ciruelo steps up progress


    Murcia’s largest grape producer El Ciruelo has undergone a change of corporate identity and also has a couple of "new" products in its export portfolio this season.

  • Ronald Bown, with Antonio Walker Prieto, the grower whose box was number 200,000,000, and workers from the port of Valparaiso

    Chilean exports smash through 200 million case mark


    Chilean Exporters’ Association celebrates milestone season.

  • Sizing is complicating the grading process

    Superior shapes up


    As reported in last week’s Journal, this season’s Spanish Superior Seedless® is now flowing into UK stores, with exporters facing a tougher than normal selection process following poor weather during the growing period. Tommy Leighton visited licensed exporters in Murcia to gauge the start-of-season outlook.

  • Bristol fashions produce comeback

    Bristol fashions produce comeback


    The modern Bristol Port Company has invested £8.5 million in a newly built Fresh Produce Terminal at its Avonmouth dock. The new terminal has been in operation since January 2003, and after an absence of 25 years, the port is once again receiving significant amounts of fruit and vegetable cargo alongside cars, fuel and other dry bulk goods. Anabella de Sousa reports.

  • Espín

    Search on for Spanish grape


    A group of 18 Spanish grape exporters have stepped up research and development of indigenous varieties.

  • Ralli

    Spanish Ralli call by Muñoz


    Spanish grape producer AMC Muñoz is putting great faith in Ralli, a pink seedless variety.