Grape news archive – Page 127

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    Growth in Velcro bags for grapes


    US interest in Velcro sealed grape bags is reported to be growing, the branded sealant manufacturer claimed.

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    Politics, spring and asparagus


    This week there is certainly every indication that spring is in the air. Hardly had the election date been announced than

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    Del Curto stikes strategic partnership


    Chilean exporter David del Curto has struck up a partnership with asset manager Moneda Asset.

  • Competitive at what price?

    Competitive at what price?


    As their suppliers are only too painfully aware, the pricing strategies of most major UK retailers have become their key tools of differentiation. Anabella de Sousa looks at the current environment and its impact on the fresh produce sector.

  • Grapes recover from late start

    Grapes recover from late start


    Chilean grape exports have settled down with exporters reporting that some three per cent more fruit was exported in the season to March 20 compared with 2004.

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    Fruit and veg better than drugs


    Fruit and vegetables could be better for you than drugs when it comes to fighting disease, doctors have said.

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    Indians to test new grape variety in UK market


    Indian exporters are hoping to boost their credibility in the UK with a new variety of grape.

  • Tesco broke code of conduct, claims Greyfriars

    Tesco broke code of conduct, claims Greyfriars


    Award-winning supplier Greyfriars has accused Tesco before the Office of Fair Trading of violating the supermarket code of conduct.

  • MTEX aims for Mor

    MTEX aims for Mor


    Mehadrin Tnuport Export has increased the volume of fruit it has sold in Europe this season, but it has not all been easy pickings, as market forces dictate that the natural demand and supply dynamics do not always hold true. But a continuing commitment to the development of mutually beneficial partnerships with its Israeli growers and greater consistency in the performance of its widening basket of fruit has strengthened the hand of the company. Tommy Leighton reports.

  • Dr Taylor with the packaging revolution

    Capespan claims leadership with new grape packaging


    Capespan's technology division believes it has stolen a march with a revolutionary grape packaging design.

  • Argentinean pear exports climb

    Argentinean pear exports climb


    Argentinean pear exporters are already enjoying a higher volume season than last year.

  • The fight to compete

    The fight to compete


    With Spain suffering from some drastically cold temperatures, and despite climatic problems of its own, Morocco has been enjoying higher demand and higher prices from Europe for an increasingly varied selection of produce. The leading exporting countries have invested in production to meet tougher specifications and build relationships with European retailers. However, with the newest EU member countries raising their standards all the time, will Morocco eventually be squeezed out of the market? Elspeth Waters reports.

  • Check out Fairtrade

    Check out Fairtrade


    The advent of Fairtrade Fortnight provides a prime opportunity for insights into a rapidly developing sector. However, behind the scenes the Fairtrade Foundation, along with many retailers and suppliers, is actively promoting the concept on a daily basis in the hope that ethical trading will continue to impact the lives of UK consumers long after the two weeks are up. Elspeth Waters reports.

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    Commitment is a two-way street


    We regularly hear from suppliers in the pages of the Journal, who want to work more closely with their customers. Indeed they

  • Red fruit skins could stave off asthma

    Red fruit skins could stave off asthma


    Researchers in the UK have discovered that a substance in the skins of red fruits, such as grapes and plums, could help asthma sufferers.

  • Brazilian superfruit hits the UK

    Brazilian superfruit hits the UK


    An importer is hoping to introduce the UK to a new super fruit from Brazil.

  • UK loss no Greek tragedy

    UK loss no Greek tragedy


    The Greek citrus industry, whose once thriving lemon-growing sector has slid into terminal decline, has all but given up on the UK market. Tony Leighton reports.

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    Mexico helps to plug the gaps


    FRUIT LOGISTICA: Mexico has managed to more than double exports of avocados, grapes and grapefruit to the European market since 2002.

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    Greeks add red sultanas


    FRUIT LOGISTICA: A Greek grape producer has now added red sultanas to its product range.

  • Government warns of climate change impact on growers

    Government warns of climate change impact on growers


    The government is calling on UK farmers to consider how they will cope with the effects of climate change.