Grape news archive – Page 119

  • The earliest bird

    The earliest bird


    Namibian grape is an indispensable part of most importers’ early southern hemisphere grape programme. In little more than 20 years, South Africa’s neighbour has built consistent quality onto its inherent advantage - earliness. Tommy Leighton reports.

  • A break from tradition

    A break from tradition


    Moroccan fresh produce exporters are gunning for growth this season, particularly in some of their emerging product areas. Doris Lee Butterworth finds out what’s in store.

  • Early Sweet on the march

    Early Sweet on the march


    Early Sweet, the licensed white seedless variety bred by Israeli company Grapa, is set to make even bigger strides in the UK market next year.

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    US firm resumes distribution after scare


    Krisp-Pak Co, the Norfolk, US, firm that was forced to recall all cut melon and grapes from the market late last week, resumed cutting and distributing fruit on Wednesday.

  • Del Monte launches snack bags in schools

    Del Monte launches snack bags in schools


    Del Monte Fresh is this month launching a new range of fruit and vegetable snack bags into the UK’s primary schools.

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    More rain causes Brazil pain


    A tight grape supply situation has become tougher as weather conditions in Brazil compound the situation.

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    Trade stands firm on Stern report


    The Fresh Produce Consortium has said it will oppose any additional tax burden on the fresh produce industry in the UK following the Treasury’s publication on Monday of Sir Nicholas Stern’s climate change report.

  • Red hot winter for Israel

    Red hot winter for Israel


    The UK arms of Israeli exporters are no longer solely handlers of Israeli product, as they respond to the demand for 12-month market presence. But now is the time to talk about their home-grown crop and Kathy Hammond finds out what the UK market can expect.

  • McDonald's claims biggest stake in US apples

    McDonald's claims biggest stake in US apples


    McDonald’s has claimed it is the biggest distributor of apples in the US thanks to its Apple Dippers and Fruit & Walnut salad, which includes apples and grapes.

  • Transatlantic connections

    Transatlantic connections


    We speak the same language and share many cultural practices, especially in terms of food. But how do the UK and US regard one another when it comes to fresh produce trade? Elspeth Waters reports.

  • Grape supplies tighten up

    Grape supplies tighten up


    The grape market in the UK looks set to be tight this autumn as different factors in different source countries combine to affect availability.

  • Dove Warmen, left, and Hannes Martin

    Catering for a new client base


    MTEX, the Israeli-owned citrus, grape, exotics and potato specialist, has set up a new division to target the fastest growing customer segment in the UK, foodservice. Tommy Leighton talks to MTEX UK managing director Dov Warmen and MTEX UK Foodservice manager Hannes Martin.

  • Lettuce fields flooded in the Venice region

    Deluge damage quantified


    Heavy rainstorms and high winds have caused extensive damage to crops in Italy, flooding the countryside while they have brought mixed fortunes to growers in Spain.

  • Italian grapes have taken a battering

    Italian farmers face €1bn losses


    Heavy rainstorms have flooded the Italian countryside, leaving farmers uncertain of the Italian grape harvest and facing a €1bn loss.

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    Sunscreen protects Californian grapes


    Sunscreen could be used to protect fruit and vegetables during the production period after a Californian grape grower sprayed his crops to stop them withering on the vine - and produced wrinkle-free fruit.

  • Chilean season closes

    Chilean season closes


    Although Chilean fruit volumes increased year on year in the 2005-06 season just ended, this past campaign has taught growers and exporters that quality must improve.

  • Spanish Superior spell ends

    Spanish Superior spell ends


    The campaign for Spanish-grown Superior Seedless™ grapes wound up with final shipments to the UK last week.

  • California creates grape quandary

    California creates grape quandary


    The California table grape crop is forecast by the US National Agriculture Statistics Service to fall by some nine per cent on last season, presenting growers in other countries with increased opportunity.

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    Retailers roll out all things bright and beautiful


    there always seems to be something new going on in the salad market. What is particularly interesting is the way the sector is

  • Sun World prevails in Sugraone case

    Sun World prevails in Sugraone case


    US Federal Court orders Sun Pacific to destroy grapevines fraudulently obtained from Sun World. Sun Pacific has lodged an appeal.