Grape news archive – Page 103

  • Article

    USDA withdraws grape proposal


    The proposed amendment of US standards for grades of table grapes raised concerns over the marketability of the fruit

  • Growers achieved a good price for Indian grapes this season

    India buoyant despite grape slip


    Indian grape exports to Europe fell by six per cent in 2009, but quality and price improvement left the industry happy with the season.

  • Geoff Chappell, third from left, with colleague David Maris, left, and families, at the launch of Fairtrade Fortnight

    Commitment from the UK


    The second of FPJ’s three-part series on the Fairtrade supply chain turns the spotlight on ethical suppliers and what their offer has meant for the UK market.

  • Are shoppers struggling to get their 5 A DAY?

    5 A DAY in price pressure


    The world Cancer Research Fund is countering claims that credit-crunched consumers can no longer afford to eat their 5 A DAY with penny-pinching menu suggestions.

  • Harvestmark

    Grape producers turn to HarvestMark


    Leading table grape groups in the US have opted to use YottaMark's produce traceability solution with their produce

  • Article

    Aus grapes face carton shortage


    Australian table grape exports have hit a snag with a shortage of polystyrene cartons

  • MTEX grapes

    Israeli grape arrivals expected soon


    The first arrivals of Israeli grapes are expected shortly, says MTEX, commencing with the Early Sweet variety

  • Director Colin Banton (left), and Julian Woffenden, business unit director,  outside the Honeyborne facility

    Greenfresh packing firm launches


    A new cost-effective fruit pre-packing and distribution service is being launched this month in the Vale of Evesham, targeting producers worldwide and importers requiring a seasonal service.

  • Article

    Tesco Ireland cuts produce prices


    Tesco Ireland has made major price reductions in 11 border towns to help protect jobs in the region and deter cross-border shopping in Northern Ireland.

  • Chilean Crimson falls short

    Chilean Crimson falls short


    The Chilean Crimson grape season is coming to a premature end, with volumes to date down some 20 per cent on 2008.

  • Prepared sector boldly faces the recession head on

    Prepared sector boldly faces the recession head on


    The prep-heavy catering industry has taken a hit due to the recession, but the prepared produce sector is holding its own, mainly due to continuous price promotions at the retailers. Elizabeth O’Keefe asks, how much effect is the recession having on prepared?

  • Trade Waves began trialling the TELO covering system for grapes at the end of 2006

    Egypt feels the heat


    The UK has been a key market for the Egyptian fresh produce sector for a number of years. However, as shippers feel the effects of the weak sterling, Doris Lee Butterworth asks producers what they are doing to remain competitive in the marketplace.

  • Article

    Health research cites grapes


    New studies conducted in the US have unearthed further evidence that grapes are a natural remedy for two illnesses.

  • Pacific Islands labour is making a big difference in New Zealand

    NZ lauds islanders' labour efforts


    Pacific Islands labour in New Zealand is proving a bigger factor than even an improved new variety profile in helping growers deliver high-quality fruit to market, the country’s top-fruit industry body has said.

  • South Africa's organic grape production is enjoying success

    Organic grapes on the rise


    Leading grape exporter Capespan has revealed that its diminutive organic grape production is increasing in size and demand.

  • Article

    Disease-free grape discovered


    Researchers in the US have introduced a new disease-free, high-yield table grape that ripens early.

  • Best of Belgium

    Best of Belgium


    Belgium’s fresh produce may not attract the same attention as its neighbours, but the offer from the small country is no less impressive. As exporters look for continued growth despite the downbeat economic situation, Doris Lee Butterworth talks to leading auctions to discuss their latest plans.

  • Procurement remains key while sector in flux

    Procurement remains key while sector in flux


    The sector continues to feel the effects of problematic weather in South Africa, which has pushed retail prices high and caused supply problems. But all eyes have now turned to Chile, where growers could not wait to get fruit off the vines. Alex Lawson reports.

  • Mexican grapes

    Oppenheimer braced for Mexican grapes


    The Canadian group is set to market grapes from Mexico for the ninth consecutive year

  • Israeli Early Sweet exports up

    Israeli Early Sweet exports up


    Agrexco is forecasting a 25 per cent increase in exports of Carmel white seedless variety Early Sweet on last season’s levels.