All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 82

  • New Spitalfields turns 20

    New Spitalfields turns 20


    It has been exactly 20 years since New Spitalfields Market moved to east London and came into its own as one of the capital’s key food hubs and a specialist in the widest variety of fruit and vegetables. Anna Sbuttoni marks the anniversary

  • Fixture fixation

    Fixture fixation


    Make a statement in fresh produce fixtures and watch your sales stack up. Anna Sbuttoni asks how best to merchandise fruit and vegetables and make your product pop

  • British tomatoes bite back amid challenging times

    British tomatoes bite back amid challenging times


    It hasn’t been the easiest couple of years for British tomato growers, but with ideal weather giving the season a real leg up, Chloe Ryan looks for reasons for optimism for domestic producers

  • A slice of promise

    A slice of promise


    European melons are all set for their season and growers and suppliers are hoping for improved returns as the sunshine picks up demand. Anna Sbuttoni reports

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    A life less ordinary


    Passionate, single minded, a grafter, a politician, her father’s daughter and a key industry player. Who else could we be talking about but Sarah Pettitt? Elizabeth O’Keefe talks to the NFU Horticulture and Potato Board chair about her journey - past, present and future

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    Summer offer combines patriotism with UK season


    The possibility of a summer drought in the south and east of the country after an April devoid of showers is already causing

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    Supermarkets mark summer with new take on fresh lines


    There’s no doubt spring has turned into summer, even if the calendar does not agree. Berries are in profusion and

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    Passion drives the best in fresh produce


    Anyone that has ever heard Sarah Pettitt speak understands the real meaning of the word “passion”.It is a word

  • British berries prepare to storm the market

    British berries prepare to storm the market


    As the British berry season starts to get into full swing, Chloe Ryan explains why producers are confident of a year of strong growth following a tough 2010

  • Asparagus’s early triumph

    Asparagus’s early triumph


    The spotlight is on the British asparagus industry, with a record early start to the season following mild weather across the country. As an abundance of product comes onto the market and the media goes mad for spears, Elizabeth O’Keefe reports

  • Optimism back as soft-fruit sector plans for year of growth

    Optimism back as soft-fruit sector plans for year of growth


    Hot weather, Easter and the royal wedding could hardly have provided a better platform for the start of the British berry season. And, as Michael Barker reports, that has given real impetus to a category on the rebound after sales dipped in 2010

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    Retailers mark summertime with a fresh approach


    As summer choices come into their own, Tesco seems to have been the first to try out a new soft fruit on its customers, with

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    Re:fresh 2011 will be a conference like no other


    The Re:fresh conference! I know you’re busy, time is a premium and you haven’t the slightest inclination to attend

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    PR battle on seasonal staff is still not won


    Without wanting to delve too deeply into the allegations and counter-allegations surrounding Thanet Earth at the moment, the

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    Report boost Italian kiwifruit


    A recent conference on kiwifruit and its competitiveness on international markets organised by the CSO organisation in Italy has found that the European country is ranked second in production output.

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    Agricola Famosa opens in Senegal


    Brazilian melon grower Agricola Famosa has expanded into Senegal with the creation of Agricola Famosa Senegal on 11 April.

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    Trade boost for Chile's main port


    Fruit shipments from the Terminal Pacífico Sur at Chile’s Port of Valparaíso have risen by 33 per cent during the first three months of 2011, according to a report by El Mercurio de Valparaíso.

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    Exhibitor boost for Fruit Attraction


    The organisers of Fruit Attraction 2011, which will take place 19-21 October this year in Madrid, have already contracted 10 per cent more exhibition space than they did in 2010.

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    AG Thames signs Oz Peach deal


    UK-based importer AG Thames has confirmed it has signed an exclusive deal with Oz Peach to manage the Australian breeder’s stonefruit series in Europe and North Africa.

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    Optimism in the air at key time of year


    I don’t know if it’s just the appearance of warmth and sunshine after the seemingly endless winter, or the fact