All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 270

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    Waitrose apple estate gets even stronger


    By David Shapley

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    Budgens flags itself in apple heartland


    Budgens is in the midst of plans to promote the English apple season and has now committed itself to local sourcing. Emma Hatfield reports.

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    National Fruit Show comes of age, again


    There is little doubt that what was first the Marden Fruit Show and now the National Fruit Show has been the flagship of the top-fruit industry right from its beginning in 1933.Being grower organised and led, it has embraced changes and will continue to do so as the industry moves on.It remains unquestionably a ëtrade show', with growers presenting their products to their customers, the wholesale trade and increasingly the multiple retailers.

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    Fruit of a nation


    An early harvest following an excellent summer has given us the best quality apples and pears for many years say the experts. Many examples of these will be exhibited at this year's special 70th anniversary National Fruit Show.

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    Bramley finds new avenues


    The Bramley Apple Campaign has had a busy year to date, staging various competitions and initiating new products in schools throughout the country. John Broy reports.

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    Worldwide net searches for next varieties in line


    By David Shapley

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    Thirty years of calm


    Mid Kent Growers, the top fruit co-operative, has recently celebrated its 30th anniversary, and looked back with unheralded calmness on the success it has achieved since since its beginning.

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    WAPA fights the good fight


    By David Shapley

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    Pink Lady holds on to premium position


    Pink Lady promotions have made a big impact on the UK market, and although the variety remains a niche apple, with the trademark now cleared for non-alcoholic beverages, expect an increase in awareness of this distinctive brand. Emma Hatfield reports.

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    Capespan eyes Eastern promise


    The last five years were always going to be busy for Capespan. Since deregulation of the South African top fruit industry in 1998, the country's one-time monopoly operator has reinvented itself as a year-round international supplier, adding a number of new elements to its traditional business.

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    Chilean exporters optimistic about EU prospects


    Spurred by its Free Trade Agreement with the European Union, a high-valued euro and a possible apple shortfall in Europe, Chilean apple producers and exporters are looking forward to another successful apple deal on the old continent this 2003/2004 season.

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    Pomanjou develops its Honeycrunch programmes


    By Emma Hatfield

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    Italy makes UK inroads


    Usually thought of as a key source for apples into Germany, Italy nevertheless values its UK customers and supplies an increasing volume to these shores. Kathy Hammond looks at some of the developments in the Italian production scene.

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    Bayer works with industry to common goal


    The Journal featured Bayer CropScience recently and found out that the multinational giant's UK horticulture division holds a strong commitment to Industry and Product Stewardship. What does this mean for the top-fruit industry? asks Tommy Leighton.

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    East Malling stays smart and fresh


    In order to continue offering consumers the best of UK apples the ability to store produce well is increasingly vital. Emma Hatfield catches up with East Malling's David Johnson and finds some exciting new projects on the horizon.

  • Young females were targeted by a new healthy eating initiative backed by the Football Association

    The year in stories - July to September


    What were the five most-visited stories on freshinfo in each month of the third quarter of 2003? Click here to find out.

  • Tesco overhauled its organic  packaging design

    The year in stories - January to March


    What were the five most-visited stories on freshinfo in each of the first three months of 2003? Click here to find out.

  • The National Fruit Show celebrated 70 years

    The year in stories - October to December


    What were the five most-visited stories on freshinfo in each of the last three months of 2003? Click here to find out.

  • Sirs Peter and Terence were on hand to open Sainsbury's latest store, at the Bluebird in Chelsea

    The year in stories ñ April to June


    What were the five most-visited stories on freshinfo in each month of the second quarter of 2003? Click here to find out.