All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 251
Van Doorn to expand apple interests
Van Doorn Van Doorn International is best known as a major supplier of Dutch pears to UK supermarkets. However, 20 per cent of the Dutch marketing company’s business centres on apples, reports Anabella de Sousa.
Portuguese back to school
Organisational deficiencies among producers of apples in Portugal have traditionally hindered exports. However, through the National School Fruit Scheme, more and more UK schoolchildren are biting into Portuguese apples, reports Anabella de Sousa.
School scheme a priority
Worldwide Fruit has the apple and pear supply contract for the School Fruit & Vegetable Scheme (SFVS) for the north east,
Slicing up convenience market
Ready to eat apple slices are much more than just a convenient snack. Increasingly, they are being marketed as a nutritious way to achieve a balanced diet, and targeted at children as a vital part of the 5-a-day push. Emma Hatfield reports.
Weather does Bayer a favour
Bayer CropScience’s fungicide Elvaron Multi, registered in July last year, has had a good first full year in the market as the weather conditions increased the pest and disease pressures on the UK apple crop. Tommy Leighton reports
Spanish are on their way
A late start is not expected to hinder the Spanish citrus sector, as producers and importers gear up for the vital UK winter sales season. Ed Bedington reports.
The snack root
Root crops have the capacity to benefit heavily from the government’s emphasis on healthy eating, particularly carrots, which are now part of the National Schools Fruit and Vegetable Scheme and position themselves as the ideal snacking option, writes Jessica Purbrick-Herbst.
Trade must stand up for itself
“My belief is that we’ve got to grow up as an industry, we can’t rely on the retailers to do our selling for us,” says Chris Abram, fruit category manager with Minor Weir and Willis.
RFID: Where the talking stops and action begin
There has been a lot of talk about RFID tagging in recent years but not a lot of action.
Pumpkin up the autumn volume
For some reason, I always associate the famous autumnal lines about “mellow fruitfulness” with pumpkins. I suppose it is because they usually form a centrepiece at harvest festival, writes David Shapley.
Hurricane blows hacks off course
It is not often that journalists ask for or receive sympathy. But for most of us, covering the hurricane path of Ivan was a
What price quality?
One week we run a front page story that details the phenomenal surge in awareness of Pink Lady apples. The next - this - we
Who’s headed for pastures new?
Jensen Associates has brought in Clive Lawrance as a partner. Director Carsten Jensen, pictured on the right, said the
Two chances to get a grip on plant health
Importers will have two chances to get to grips with the forthcoming changes to the plant health inspection regime.
Hi-tech revolution hits home
In this week’s focus on mangoes, Ed Bedington looks at the advantages of using Near Infra-Red technology, the improved conditions on the Indian market, and the increasing popularity of Fairtrade mangoes.
Ivan the terrible
Hurricane Ivan wreaked havoc this week across many Caribbean islands and then on to the southern tip of the US. Described as one of the top five hurricanes in the Atlantic basin’s history, it has destroyed banana plantations, following Charley’s and Frances’ destruction of the region’s citrus production. Anabella de Sousa reports.
Peru takes a grip
This may not be the peak of the recognised Peruvian asparagus season. In fact, it is a traditional downtime for one of the few products that is in production 52 weeks a year. But it is available in large volumes as the Peruvian summer looms and the microclimate in Peru’s production centres allows growers to maintain a consistent quality and volume throughout the year. Tommy Leighton talks to Philippe Augier, md of importer Midifruit about the future of the Peruvian industry.
Speak now or forever hold your peace
Talking with the FPC this week, it is apparent that the take-up of places at their seminars on changes to the plant health