All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 246
The season of cheer?
For many people this is the time of year for parties, relaxation and merriment. However, for lots of other people life and business has to continue throughout the festive season. This, of course, comes as no surprise to anyone working in the fresh produce sector who have to work, often at peak levels, right up to or in many cases throughout the Christmas and New Year holiday period.
Light solution for salad
While supplementary light is enabling some European protected salad growers to produce year-round, there are important challenges to overcome, writes Simon Jones, UK sales manager of Biological Crop Protection (BCP).
New Year, new traceability requirements
The new EU General Food Law that becomes effective on January 1 next year brings with it a requirement for each business to
You can bank on horticulture
Sitting in one of the splendidly upholstered dining rooms of the Clydesdale and Yorkshire Banks last week, which also has a
The final piece in the 2004 jigsaw
As we near the end of another year in produce, it’s tempting to say 2004 has generally been good to fruit and
The new glory days
In its heyday, the historic wholesale market at Borough in London was a hive of activity with over 250 wholesale companies in operation. Though the glory days of wholesaling have since disappeared, the seven remaining companies and the retail market, which opened in 1998, are now enjoying the buzz of national and international recognition, recently crowned with the best market award from the Observer Food magazine, writes Anabella de Sousa.
Egyptian expansion
Foreign investment is the driving force behind the massive growth in the Egyptian soft-fruit and citrus sectors, reports Jessica Purbrick-Herbst.
Crunch time
Next week is crunch time for UK glasshouse lettuce. The European Union’s food safety directorate, DG Sanco, will meet to deliberate the issue of nitrates in lettuce and effectively decide the fate of northern-European, winter, glasshouse-lettuce production.
Fungi to work with
In the third of a six article series on the produce world’s very own natural born killers, Horticulture Research
Making it even easier
Melanie Johnson, Minister for Public HealthThe government’s white paper on public health aims to make it easier for
Keep your eye on tax, at any rate
Adam Bernstein hosts a monthly look at one of the legislative aspects that most affect your business, how it is run and how it
Peaches have room to improve
There are now signs that the southern-hemisphere stone-fruit season is under way, although I am still critical of the
PMA Profile
In this month’s profile on the Produce Marketing Association, the US trade association for fruit and vegetables, PMA
Who’s headed for pastures new?
Rustler Produce Ltd, part of the Produce World Group, and one of the UK’s premier suppliers of top quality onions
Quality key to domestic bliss
It has been suggested to me that the Journal, because of our international readership, is not necessarily as supportive of the
The fascination of descriptions
I am becoming increasingly fascinated by the use of quite legal descriptive terms which keep appearing on fruit and veg
A reality check for everyone
It seems we might be seeing the first signs of acceptance of genetic modification as a viable crop production
Developing the industry’s future
MDS is a unique partnership of companies, forged together over the last 18 years by a common goal to attract high-calibre recruits with management potential into the fresh produce industry. Tommy Leighton reports.
Does absence make the heart grow fonder or is it just another labour cost?
Last year on this page, we reviewed how to measure sickness related absence, with a short assessment of the cost of sickness absence to an organisation that identified some steps to reduce both short-term and long-term absence - including the prudent use of disciplinary procedures. As we are approaching the season of colds, flu (and perhaps the odd hangover!) it may well be appropriate to revisit the topic, with some additional thoughts on certification and stress.
Blueberry explosion just the beginning
Although Chilean blueberry exports have exploded in the last three seasons, jumping from 3.2 million cases in 2001/2002 to 5.3m cases in 2003/2004, industry leaders told the Journal this is just the beginning.