All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 226

  • Sweet success for pineapples

    Sweet success for pineapples


    Judging from recent statistics, more UK consumers are willing to give pineapples a chance. Doris Lee Butterworth finds out more.

  • Tackling the labour shortage

    Tackling the labour shortage


    Migrant labour is an issue sparking widespread debate across the industry. In the third of our profiles on recruitment and training we hear from two figures with a vested interest in the subject.

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    Industry must support promo campaign


    You will be aware that we are currently developing an industry wide promotional campaign. The sector is enjoying

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    The ongoing battle for shelf space


    As any category supplier will tell you, supplying fresh produce to big supermarkets has become a cut-and-thrust business. But

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    Beyond the boundaries of duty


    Every one of us, I’m sure, experiences the odd day here and there when they seriously question why they show such

  • Corn-on-the-go



    Despite the significant effort undertaken to promote the benefits of 5 A DAY, consumption of fresh produce, especially vegetables, has not seen the kind of invigoration the industry would like. However, according to one company, it is not just a question of preaching to the unconverted: you have to know your market and make the process of healthy living easy and enjoyable, then the rewards for all will be plentiful. Elspeth Waters reports.

  • Spanish salads spring to life

    Spanish salads spring to life


    Spanish salad producers are raising their game as new developments unfold in their sector. Doris Lee Butterworth investigates.

  • Bach looks to the future

    Bach looks to the future


    Moving from the ministry of defence to the world of agriculture is quite a change in direction, but Lord Willy Bach is determined to take the challenge in his stride.

  • David Stott and Martine Ive

    Partners against crime


    The advent of the Gangmaster Licensing Authority has increased both the profile of the campaign to rid the UK of illegal labour providers and the pressure on labour users to ensure that the temporary labour they employ is provided by law-abiding sources. Rather than wait to have standards and regulations imposed on its UK operations, Del Monte has taken steps to get its house in order in advance. Tommy Leighton visited its Wisbech fruit processing and preparation facility to see the results of a recently-formed relationship with labour provider PMP Recruitment.

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    Descriptions add an extra something


    Retail marketing - particularly in the form of product descriptions - has reached new heights, writes David Shapley.Perhaps

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    Money for new fruit


    US agriculture secretary, Mike Johanns, has announced plans to spend $9 million on 225 schools in eight states and three

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    The eviction game


    Adam Bernstein hosts a monthly look at one of the legislative aspects that most affect your business, how it is run and how it

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    Let’s not play the blame game


    The apple job in the UK is increasing in complexity by the week as northern and southern hemisphere fruit begins to switch

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    Florida loss needs to be recognised


    Watching the scenes of devastation on America’s east coast this week puts some of our own weather concerns into the

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    Different year, same old story


    You probably recognise the scenario: you take some time off during the summer and when you come back, everything, or almost

  • The race to recruit hots up

    The race to recruit hots up


    Recruitment in the fresh produce industry is in a catch-22 situation and is threatening to become a major problem for the sector. Fresh produce companies need experienced workers but are reluctant to invest in training. Emma Twyning talks to three leading players to find out where recruitment in the industry stands, and where it might be heading.

  • Organics at vital stage

    Organics at vital stage


    Thanks to an increasing number of sales channels and the odd celebrity chef endorsement, the organic sector appears to be thriving. But can we believe the hype? New, emerging issues are proving that the industry is not unshakable. Emma Twyning reports.

  • Distribution of health

    Distribution of health


    Nineteen years after following his instincts and establishing a fruit distribution centre outside of the confines of the wholesale markets, Peter Gilding has recently opened yet another extension to his company’s Merseyside headquarters. Tommy Leighton reports.

  • Hoping for a tear-free season

    Hoping for a tear-free season


    After last year’s wet and woeful growing season and the poor market prices which followed, UK onion growers and marketeers are feeling more optimistic about the 2005 harvest and its prospects. But there are increasing concerns about the threat from imports, particularly on the processing side of the business. And are UK onions marketed as well as they might be? Tony Leighton investigates.

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    Not yet time for organic panic


    It may be officially “the silly season” for the UK’s media, but the splash in last Sunday’s Observer