All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 225
Changing of the top-fruit guard
But has the apple industry lost sight of its real goal? By Desmond O’Rourke, World Apple Report
China ready to flex its muscles in international markets
By John Giles, divisional director, Promar International
Can China break through?
There’s no doubting China’s got the volume, but has it, or will it ever have, the quality to impact fully on the UK market? Ed Bedington takes a look.
Irish under pressure
Irish producers, facing constant price pressure, are beginning to question their futures as they struggle to find the cash to invest and meet the modern market demands. Anthony Garvey reports.
French fancy a new challenge
France’s apple volumes are comparatively strong this year but change is afoot as tradition increasingly gives way to commercial preference. New varieties are emerging all the time, but is it better to keep searching for the next big thing or try and fix the favourites we know and love? Elspeth Waters reports.
Overhang tests South African resolve
As one of the leading fresh produce exporters in the southern hemisphere, the problems experienced by South Africa following its deregulation in 1997 have been widely reported. But just as the country’s apple industry finds its feet, the overhang of top fruit in Europe is threatening to undermine any newfound stability. Emma Twyning reports.
Kiwis to stop eating kiwis
New Zealand has been left licking its wounds in recent seasons, but the country’s apple business is far from down and out, and plans are afoot to take it back to what it considers its rightful place - the top of the apple tree. Ed Bedington reports.
Washington looks for organic growth
As northern hemisphere apple production gets into full swing, Washington State growers are pulling out all the stops to make themselves as competitive as possible. Doris Lee Butterworth finds out more.
California shines its rays on UK
Californian apples may not be well known in the UK but this could change as Golden State apple producers become more active in expanding their export markets, according to Alexander J Ott, the new executive director of the California Apple Commission (CAC).
Up and coming Uruguay
Think of South American apples and Chile, Brazil and Argentina spring to mind. But what about Uruguay? Kathy Hammond finds out.
Peru tips success
Asparagus is all the rage but can Peru build on UK marketing success and keep consumers hungry for more? Doris Lee Butterworth investigates.
Vegication, Vegication, Vegication,
Supermarket staff are often under attack for a lack of consideration when handling fruit and vegetables, but that could all be about to change. Emma Twyning talks to two of the leading chains about their new in-store training schemes designed to educate staff about different fresh produce lines.
The sweetest feeling
Israel’s cultivation and export of sweet potatoes has experienced an upturn in recent years and the product is steadily becoming an important part of the country’s fresh produce basket. From exports of some 2,200 tonnes in 1999-2000, sendings totaled 12,400t in 2004-05, and plans are underway to increase the acreage under production from 800 hectares.
Colleges report renewed interest
With the fresh produce industry under increasing pressure to tighten its belts and maximise efficiency, no company can afford to carry incompetent members of staff. At the same time, companies need to address the ways in which they can appeal to young people desperately needed to take them forward. In the fourth of our profiles on recruitment and training Elspeth Waters talks to some of the people trying to shape the fresh produce virtuosos of tomorrow.
Focus on healthiness
Anne Wareing, marketing manager, Simply Fresh Foods. At Simply Fresh Foods, we recognise the importance of offering our
A curious trip up the retail aisles
Walking the shelves this week looking for new products, sources, packs and anything else that records the march of fresh
Chalking up cheap points
In our most conclusive freshinfo poll to date, this week 92 per cent of you voted for an extension of the School Fruit &
Hirsty work
Farmers need to learn lessons from the retailers when it comes to running their business, claims the new face of UK horticulture, Richard Hirst. Ed Bedington went to meet him.
In search of Fairtrade
Fairtrade is purportedly going from strength-to-strength, striding relentlessly on towards a brighter future for growers, retailers and consumers. However, it appears that Fairtrade fresh produce is getting somewhat overlooked and under-represented in UK supermarkets, Mark Bigault reports.
Fairtrade in action
Cookery writer Vicky Bhogal is putting together a new recipe book to support Fairtrade ingredients. As part of her research for the project, she took a trip to Ghana to meet producers to see how the Fairtrade ingredients in the recipes are produced. She writes about her experience.