All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 216

  • Baarda brings innovation

    Baarda brings innovation


    This may be a highly innovative industry, but it is not often you come across a project that is truly ground-breaking. John Baarda’s 23 acres of high technology glass at Billingham fall into that category and Tommy Leighton paid the Teesside site a visit to see early progress.

  • A candidate crisis

    A candidate crisis


    Since FPJ last profiled recruitment the industry has become more pro-active in this area. Yet despite the newfound direction, fresh produce as a career prospect is still not getting the recognition it deserves - or the investment it requires. Emma Twyning talks to some pragmatic recruitment and training experts who all say the industry simply needs to shout louder.

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    Newton’s raw passion for bagged salads


    Mark Newton is managing director of Florette, the leading brand in the bagged salad arena. He talks to Ed Bedington about the prepared salad sector, how it has handled various attacks on its reputation and why Florette continues to smile.

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    Market views get legal stamp


    In the last two years, French wholesale markets have been focused on the revamping of their juridical and financial status.

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    No such thing as out of season


    Hardly a day goes by it seems, without fruit and vegetables being in the news. Great, you might think, but there have been

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    Fantasists hi-jack the debate


    The Sunday Telegraph recently published a debate on the future of British food with 11 “experts” taking part. On

  • Israel’s citrus strength

    Israel’s citrus strength


    Volumes may have been lower this year, but the Israeli citrus sector has maintained a strong performance, despite the inevitable issues of rising costs, but can they persuade the consumer to peel? Ed Bedington reports.

  • Redbridge’s flower power

    Redbridge’s flower power


    The advent of Valentine’s Day last week may have succeeded in bringing flowers to the forefront of the consumer consciousness for a day or two, but what about the other 363 odd days of the year? Elspeth Waters caught up with Re:fresh 2005 Flower Business of the Year winners Redbridge Flowers to discover how the division is making waves to keep apace with the demands of the twenty-first century flower industry.

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    Global FFID opportunity set to be explored


    Information technology is playing an ever increasing role in the arena of fresh produce. This month we take a look at some of the issues and systems that are shaping the sector, from RFID opportunities within the fresh produce sector, to Natures Way Marketing signing onto Anglia Business’ LinkFresh system.

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    PMA’s ground-breaking year


    Produce Marketing Association, the US trade association for fruit and vegetables, is celebrating a successful year and planning for the future, while calling for government action to improve fresh produce consumption in American schools.

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    A question of identification in the fruit sector


    The pundits have already expressed their concern over China’s long-term threat to northern and southern hemisphere apple

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    Is organic the better option?


    There is no sensible argument against giving school children the opportunity to eat more fruit and vegetables.Where the

  • Cooking with Bramley

    Cooking with Bramley


    Supporters are expecting big results from this year’s fifteenth Bramley Apple Week. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

  • Science going global

    Science going global


    Innovation, added value and being consumer-led are all vital in the fresh produce sector and are frequently cited by companies in these pages as what keeps them ahead of the game. But behind the buzz words are hundreds of projects taking place around the world as part of a global network of research and development. English-speaking countries are well placed to benefit with English the international language of science. Kathy Hammond looks at the internationalisation of R&D in horticulture and fresh produce.

  • Turners’ critical mass

    Turners’ critical mass


    After five years of existence in the realm of consolidation and packing, Turners PPL is ready to up its game. Elspeth Waters visited the Newmarket site to see how the company’s latest developments are shaping up.

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    Spar goes far on healthy messages


    The international retailer group, Spar, recognises the importance of the food industry’s involvement in raising

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    Answering the tricky questions


    So all’s well that end’s well ...or is it?This week, nearly five months after issuing a clarion call to the

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    Will competition bosses listen?


    Politicians are warning that the dominance of the big retailers will force smaller independent traders off the high street by

  • Cucumber sector faces testing times

    Cucumber sector faces testing times


    As UK growers begin harvesting early crops, they will be keeping a close eye on rising costs. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.

  • A ransom for a rose

    A ransom for a rose


    The flower sector is bracing itself for the usual media kicking in the run-up to Valentine’s Day. While lovers might be queuing up to shower each other with bouquets of roses, the press is queuing up to take a pop at the prices.