All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 207

  • Dove Warmen, left, and Hannes Martin

    Catering for a new client base


    MTEX, the Israeli-owned citrus, grape, exotics and potato specialist, has set up a new division to target the fastest growing customer segment in the UK, foodservice. Tommy Leighton talks to MTEX UK managing director Dov Warmen and MTEX UK Foodservice manager Hannes Martin.

  • Moving to the next level

    Moving to the next level


    Frupac, a specialist packing company and part of Produce World, has built up its state-of-the-art production plant over the last two years and now boasts a comprehensive collection of facilities. Emma Twyning visited its Yaxley-based site.

  • Fired and emotional

    Fired and emotional


    The market for fresh cut flowers is expanding rapidly - and competition on the high street continues to hot up as the supermarkets sharpen their offers. But the traditional retail florist is no wallflower. Anna Sbuttoni and Tommy Leighton report.

  • Inflating expectations

    Inflating expectations


    The heatwave this summer has sent prices for raw material soaring. Although this is bad news for the processing sector, it does promise some much-needed inflation in retail pricing, and could be a timely boost for the UK’s onion growers. Emma Twyning reports.

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    Swift response to outbreak


    Produce Marketing Association (PMA), the US trade association for fruit and vegetables, ensured that its members’ voice was heard as the headlines screamed E.coli and the outbreak was traced to bagged spinach.

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    Modern craze or return to old?


    “Food, Glorious Food” was a sentiment immortalised by Lionel Bart in the hit musical Oliver but recently I have

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    Global has to mean the whole world


    I’m all for eliminating duplication wherever possible. Everyone in the supply chain, everywhere in the world would no

  • Composite conundrum

    Composite conundrum


    The one-stop-shop concept could be the way forward for the UK wholesale sector - and diversification could make for a multitude of trading opportunities. But are composite markets a viable option in the UK? Anna Sbuttoni reports.

  • Spain’s salad hopes

    Spain’s salad hopes


    As the first supplies of Spanish salads trickle through to the UK, growers are generally optimistic about the impending season. However, with last year’s cold temperatures still on the minds of many, overcoming the changeable weather is the sector’s major challenge. Emma Twyning reports.

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    Non-health appeal to stroppy teens


    By Jane Asscher

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    Does knowledge equal power or just confusion?


    we live in an era when there is an almost insatiable demand for information, and perhaps no more so than when it comes to food

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    A blast from the past in Brighton


    At last, I’m old enough to be nostalgic! My first true David Shapley moment came on visiting an award-winning Taj

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    Logical road to logistics solution


    It will be very interesting to see how widely used the HEFFroads concept (p1) is in its first few months of life. Not only

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    Speaking very much as a lay observer, I have always had a sneaking suspicion that any dialogue between the worlds of science

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    HMI attention on labelling accuracy


    We would like to advise readers that Horticultural Marketing Inspectors will be focusing their attention on labelling from

  • Peru spears year-round gras market

    Peru spears year-round gras market


    Peruvian asparagus exports are rising but will heightened security checks at airports sour the deal? Doris Lee Butterworth finds out more

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    Protect your assets through copyright


    Adam Bernstein hosts the FPJ’s monthly spotlight on the legislation that affects your business, and how you can use it to your advantage. This month, Richard Marke and Lucy Etherton unravel the mysteries of copyright

  • MIS a hit in data game

    MIS a hit in data game


    Market data is an invaluable tool for modern-day fresh produce companies to sharpen their business acumen. Lincolnshire-based Market Intelligence Services (MIS) is at the forefront of this information wave, with its eye firmly fixed on retail prices charged for fresh produce across the country. The company’s David Tebbutt tells Emma Twyning exactly what MIS can offer a business

  • Real concern underpins Brazilian plans

    Real concern underpins Brazilian plans


    Brazil is famous for its juicy melons, but a strong Brazilian currency has led to repercussions for the industry. Doris Lee Butterworth spoke to leading producers and UK importers to find out what’s in store for the 2006/07 campaign.

  • Superior in the spotlight

    Superior in the spotlight


    Superior Food was brought into the limelight recently for its part in the launch of fresh-cut pineapple snack Cape Fruiteezi. Elspeth Waters went to visit the company’s Southall headquarters to find out what the industry can expect next.