All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 206
Rosy revival on the horizon
Consumers are showing their support for British tomatoes at the tills, say growers who are cautiously optimistic that the sector is enjoying a reversal of fortunes. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.
Transatlantic connections
We speak the same language and share many cultural practices, especially in terms of food. But how do the UK and US regard one another when it comes to fresh produce trade? Elspeth Waters reports.
It’s about time to play mummies and daddies
Adam Bernstein hosts the FPJ’s monthly spotlight on the legislation that affects your business, and how you can use it to your advantage. This month, John Davies talks through the new legislation coming in to enhance maternity and paternity rights
Levy to breathe life into campaign
We are delighted to announce this week the appointment of Anthony Levy as the chairman of the Eat in Colour campaign
Seasonal festivities make their presence felt in store
There is very definitely an air of seasonality on the retail scene this week. Apart from the arrival of satsumas, which
Fresh thinking or same old story?
So, after months of speculation, the Eat in Colour campaign has finally appointed a chairman - and more to the point - the man
Tightening the waste line
The management of waste created by the everyday business carried out in fruit and vegetable wholesale markets is not just a UK problem. Landlords and traders around the globe are taxed by the issue, and the World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) has carried out a research project to assess the extent of the waste and evaluate ways to address its effective removal. Tommy Leighton reports.
UK looms in Ecuadorian eyeline
Three out of every 10 bananas eaten in the world are produced in Ecuador. Now Ecuadorian producers are stepping into new territory with a promotional push in the UK. Anna Sbuttoni reports from Ecuador.
Smashing pumpkins
Having always been popular during Halloween, pumpkin producers are confident that the ghoulish vegetable is tasty enough to spark greater sales. Doris Lee Butterworth reports.
A match made in the salad sector
As well as being the brains behind salad company SCSMB, Steve Cornwell and Morna Blair-Cornwell are also happily married. Elspeth Waters chats to them about their business and juggling family life and two young sons with their commercial lives.
Fel’Engagement taking shape
Launched in 2000, the Fel’Engagement initiative has recently been renewed between the French wholesalers’
Sent to Coventry is no punishment
Having listened to the hopes and fears of the British tomato industry at its annual conference in Coventry last week, I was
Get behind GLA in clean-up crusade
They came, they saw, but will they conquer? That’s the big question the Gangmaster Licensing Authority has to answer in
Ecuador prepares for Euro push
Ecuadorian roses are some of the finest in the world, with the heat of the equator crossing the altitude of the Andes to make for ideal growing conditions. And Ecuadorian flower producers are now looking to export more product to Europe ahead of trade preferences with the US ending in December. Anna Sbuttoni reports.
Concept and reality
Concept Orchard - a unique approach to growing top fruit in this country - promises to triple yields per hectare and slash production costs. But could it really change the face of the English apple industry? Emma Twyning went to the scheme’s launch to find out.
Apple turnaround
This time last year, the English apple season launched to the backdrop of stores bulging with both late-season southern hemisphere fruit and even a backlog of the previous season’s stored European crop. The almost inevitable consequence was disaster for growers all over the world. Fast-forward to this year’s English apple launch, this week, and the industry has an entirely different outlook. Tommy Leighton asks why.
Spanish volumes recover
Given the UK’s long-held affinity with Spanish citrus, it is perhaps an understatement to say the market is eagerly awaiting this season’s crop. Doris Lee Butterworth talks to leading producers and importers and asks what’s in store for the new season.
Eliminating inefficency for an easier future
In this month’s IT round-up we take a look at some of the issues and systems that are shaping the sector, from the new collaboration that has given rise to a novel RFID application, to the advantages of trying to second guess the future, and one company’s attempt to find a more professional, “quick-fire” approach to auditing.
Can retailers always deliver a point of difference?
Nowadays, supermarkets are more than prepared to introduce their products and growers in far greater detail to the buying
Whole chain gains from clear dialogue
It might not have been to everyone’s taste, but Ian Mitchell was spot on with his forthright comments at Tuesday’s