All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 193

  • Nigel Jenner, Brian Martin and Ken Hatch

    Top fruit storage boost


    A series of storage trials evaluating the benefits of ethylene scrubbers is expected to improve overall quality and in some cases lengthen the season.

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    Turnover up at Anglia Farmers


    The Anglia Farmers buying group has announced a sizeable increase in turnover for the year.

  • Peter Kendall

    Kendall is vice-president at COPA-COGECA


    NFU president Peter Kendall has been elected as a vice president of COPA-COGECA

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    New produce safety centre in US


    A new Center for Produce Safety has been established at the University of California, David, in the United States.

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    NFU weighs up F&V reform


    The NFU is weighing up its position on the EC fruit and vegetable reform proposals

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    Home banker


    Shopping around could prove useful when it comes to business bank accounts, with greatly varying options on offer, as Andrea Kirkby reports

  • Playing the leading film role

    Playing the leading film role


    The increasing pressure on growers to meet year round demand means that technology must play an important role in the production of fresh produce. When it comes to film technology, there is plenty afoot to ensure that these requirements are met.

  • Fighting the vine weevil

    Fighting the vine weevil


    The nursery sector still has a considerable amount to deal with when it comes to tackling the threat of vine weevil, but help is at hand.

  • Europe on trial

    Europe on trial


    The European pack trials are about to kick off across the continent. Sue Jupe explains what growers should be looking out for and how to get there.

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    Ken Crowther - HTA President


    The whole gardening industry is, as we write, enjoying a cracking start to the season and it’s a joy to see a happy

  • Getting the message across

    Getting the message across


    Effective marketing campaigns can have a profound effect upon sales of horticultural crops, as Larry Saunders finds out.

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    Growers warned over potato blight


    It is essential that growers take steps to protect against potato blight as soon as the crop comes through the ground, according to Interfarm.

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    The constant fight against headlines


    So it’s that time of year again, when the industry takes a deep sigh, claps its hands to its head in frustration, and

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    Flying the flag for produce


    By Nigel Harris

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    Balancing on the market tightrope


    By Maria Cavit, WUWM Secretary General

  • Digging it at Booths

    Digging it at Booths


    An emphasis on quality, taste and provenance has kept Booths one step ahead of the competition and, after scooping Re:fresh Foods from Spain Independent Retailer of the Year two years running, the north-west England-based chain intends to keep up the good work. Anna Sbuttoni reports.

  • Polish rolling on

    Polish rolling on


    A number of UK companies have made firm commitments to Poland, having realised the potential of the recently-joined EU member state. From clean, plentiful land and water supplies to a significant labour force, it seems that Poland still has much to offer. Doris Lee Butterworth speaks to leading importers and finds out what is on the agenda.

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    Peas Sir, can I have some more?


    By Tim Mudge

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    A sharp bite of industry reality


    There are not many books written about the reality of the fruit and vegetable industry and its vicissitudes.In the 1950s, my

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    Vanish without a traceability plan


    The one good thing you would hope to come out from a scare like the glass contamination reported on page one is that supply