All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 191
Back to square one
John Hall’s shock resignation as chairman of the shadow levy board is a shame for a number of reasons, not least because
Small grants scheme open in Scotland
Community Food and Health (Scotland) has announced that its small grant scheme is now open.
Hall quits as levy chairman
John Hall has resigned as chairman of the new sector board for horticulture after little more than a month in the post.
Germans confident over biomass
As Britain continues to evaluate its approach to biomass, German farmers are becoming ever-more optimistic about its prospects.
Grand Designs goes green
The link between gardening and our present environmental challenges is to be reaffirmed at one of this summer’s major expos.
Everyday low mileage...that's Asda mileage
Adsa has again been promoting the benefits of local sourcing.
Propeller takes off
Interfarm has announced that it is now supplying the systemic fungicide Propeller for use in a number of vegetable and ornamantal crops for control of a wide range of diseases, particularly during crop establishment.
Kendall warns Rooker over SPS
NFU president Peter Kendall has warned the government that it may be lagging yet again with SPS payments.
Surprise amnesty offered to tax dodgers
HM Revenue and Customs has taken UK taxpayers by surprise with its recent announcement of an amnesty for all tax evasion including VAT, Income & Corporation Tax, Inheritance Tax and PAYE.
Ireland jostles over F&V reform
Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture and Food has given an update on the progress of the F&V reform.
GIM 2006 results published
Data has now been collated, analysed and published in the Garden Industry Monitor Annual Report 2006.
Seasonal recruitment online
A new website has been launched which promises to help solve the problem of recruiting temporary staff over the busy seasonal periods.
Polka beats louder
The amount of raspberry variety Polka grown both at home and abroad is on the rise, according to Hargreaves Plants, with a 10 percent rise in UK sales predicted for this year.
Californians upbeat on Bing
An excellent crop in both quality and quantity this year - that is the upbeat prediction from California’s Bing cherry growers.
Florema announces Feldhaus tie-up
Dutch firm Florema Young Plants has announced a working tie-up with Feldhaus Jungpflanzen for the propagation of Pelargonium, Osteospermum and Dipladenia.
Levick in at John Browns
David Levick has been appointed as centre manager at John Browns Garden Centre at Three Legged Cross in Dorset.
Greenery appoints Will Ison
The Greenery UK has named Will Ison as its new commercial manager with responsibility for handling the fruit and vegetable supplier’s business with Tesco.
Waste deadline warning
Growers have again been reminded that the deadline is almost up to fill in their waste exemption packs and send them back ahead.
US picks up a labour problem
The difficulty in sourcing seasonal horticultural labour is evidently not a uniquely British problem, if stories coming out of the USA are anything to go by.
ISSA to hold Biodiversity Day
The Irish Seed Saver Association (ISSA) is holding a Biodiversity Day on May 20 as a celebration of the organisation’s work in preserving heritage fruit trees, seeds and grains.