All articles by FPJ Staff – Page 184
Making the connection
Before A Year of Food and Farming in education kicks off in September, the team at Stockbridge Technology Centre (STC) has been gearing up to reconnect commercial farming with its environment and also with the next generation of consumers. Elizabeth O’Keefe met Graham Ward and his team to find out more about recent developments.
Taking the positives from US challenge
Laura Gould spoke to Lorna Christie, senior vice-president of the US Produce Marketing Association (PMA), to find out why she loves working in the industry, and what the future has in store for a sector clambering back to its feet following a tough ride.
External attack a real eye opener
At the beginning of the year, the larger French retailers fulfilled one of their dreams when they were granted permission to
Produce enjoys pride of place
Any reports of breaches in food hygiene, such as those in-store failings unveiled recently by the national media, obviously
Muddled thinking killing biofuels
I went to a conference on biofuels last week. Organised by Bayer CropScience, the day operated under Chatham House Rules, so I
Food chain analysis for the benefit of growers
The Food Chain Centre is conducting a wide range of research looking at ways to improve the supply chain for growers. Emma Twyning talks to its director and chief executive of the IGD, Joanne Denney-Finch.
Protecting your roots
Insurance and property issues might not be among the most glamorous, but with major changes afoot in these areas it is one that growers are going to have to keep a close eye on. Commercial Grower rounds up the latest developments in these sectors.
What do consumers really want?
There is much talk about what plant varieties should and should not be developed, but what do UK consumers really want nowadays? What are the trends, and what type of plants are they looking to buy? Angela Youngman set out to investigate.
Audits - Jekyll & Hyde of UK food
The latest update of Marks and Spencers’ ‘Field to Fork’ scheme again brings to the fore one of the most
David Austin introduces five
David Austin Roses exhibited five sultry new varieties at this year’s Chelsea.
Cruciferous veg's bladder cancer hope
A new study demonstrates that consumption of cruciferous vegetables with a high content of isothiocyanate may offer a protective advantage against bladder cancer.
Boiling brassica warning
Researchers at the University of Warwick have found that the standard British cooking habit of boiling vegetables severely damages the anticancer properties of many brassica vegetables
New mite control option for strawberries
The PSD has granted specific off-label approval for the use of Sequel (fenpyroximate).
Fruit collection to be fingerprinted
The 2,300 apples and 250 pears in the National Fruit Collection are to be genetically fingerprinted after scientists at East Malling Research were handed a three year Defra contract.
Delamore assures YP growers
Delamore has assured Young Plants' growers that their future is secure following the firm's takeover of Yoder Toddington's young plants business.
Diabetes boost for non-fried veg
A study recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology concluded that consuming a variety of cooked vegetables, including potatoes, cooked in ways other than frying, was associated with a reduced risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Growers warned over deteriorating sclerotinia
Sclerotinia in carrots appears to be getting worse year on year and growers are advised to start their fungicide programmes earlier with a strong fungicide treatment.
Dutch grower sells well with seashells
Jaap Leenen, the biggest daffodil breeder in the Netherlands, is boasting of how seashells have revolutionised his blooms.
Spider mite 'demands strategic control'
Higher populations of spider mite in tunnel-grown strawberries demand a strategic approach to control as harvest commences, according to a leading adviser.
Produce allergy warning
The Royal College of Pathologists is raising awareness of allegies to fresh produce.